I have never had a blog before, I type out my prayers, bible study - TopicsExpress


I have never had a blog before, I type out my prayers, bible study notes, thoughts on scripture, all sorts of things, nothing like this though. Narrow Road Life. That is my main goal in life. Who knows, maybe one day I will write a spiritual book. It is very hard to keep on the narrow path. I am hoping it will get easier as time goes on. Keeping myself from external sinning is not as complicated as internal sin. I like that the Bible states it clear and simple, anyone who knows the good they ought to do and does not do it, sins. It takes more effort to control the inward sins. The thoughts. From out of the heart the mouth speaks. Jesus coming down from heaven, being born a human was probably the only way for us to get a chance at eternal life. Thoughts are tricky to control, at least in my case. Since no one can see what I am thinking, I am not obligated to keep them in line. Theres a quote that says who you really are is what you do when no one is watching. But the crazy thing is, God is always watching. Careful to see who he lets in, and who he doesnt. Why say that? Why did Jesus add in that very few will find the narrow road. Is it based on senses? Because it is easier to see a broad road, easier to walk on? Or is it because of something else? Something not based on the five senses. Love aka God certainly cannot be described using five senses. Its a feeling. But what is emotion? Scientists prove it is a collection of chemicals in the brain, but that is just the body they use. Just like our souls use this body, though you cannot measure a soul. you can measure certain neurotransmitters in the brain to determine which emotion is occurring but it only goes so far. Going back to the narrow road, and the terrifying fact of knowing only a few will find it. How can one be certain they are the narrow road? God even tells us Holy people who believed in him, who saved people from demonic possessions, God worshiping, praying people, can be enemies of God. He holds Christians to such a high standard. Thats the price to pay for such a priceless gift. God gives a chance to have eternal life with him. I am so young spiritually, I have only just begun this journey. I am aware of what it takes to be like him. Total submission. This blog will be my journey. I talk to people, I tell some my testimony, this will not be my testimony, just an additional thought expressive format aside from my prayers. It will give me practice to express what I am thinking when I do have to talk to people I am sharing the Good News with. Oh how hard it is to be godly, when majority of people arent. Majority rules. Is what I was always influenced with. This is tough. It is hard to convince people that everything they think is right is wrong. That it kills, it kills in so many ways. I do not understand Gods ways. But some things I do understand. The harvest is plentiful, but people willing to do the work, time, and effort that it takes, those are few. Just like the people who will find the narrow gate are few. Narrow gate finders and harvest workers are few. Im going to do whatever it takes to make sure I stay in the few. I dont even know if I am now. I know I can be better. Theres always ways to improve, I am after all, human. On the surface, these are works, but to me, it is the result of a person who is grateful and is now doing what God commands because theres nothing I can give to God for what he did for me, I have only my life and it belongs to him. Jesus set the example of how we should be. To follow him. To follow Jesus means to imitate what he said, what he did, to our best ability. When I do that, it shows I believe in him. That if I live this way, do these things, I can be with him forever. And that is Gods will. The grace was freely given, not earned. Theres nothing you can do to deserve grace, its what you do with grace once its been given. Without Grace, how can anyone find the narrow road? I totally jump from topic to topic, I blame the ADD.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 22:10:58 +0000

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