I have only one focus, for 2015, stay hopeful that I will see my - TopicsExpress


I have only one focus, for 2015, stay hopeful that I will see my dear child again. It has been nearly 41 years now, but my heart just wont give up. Alexis (name I gave her and use) born in New Orleans, La. was adopted at the age of 5 months in Va. I was 17, immature in a lot of ways, but Alexis had never suffered in anyway because of it. I had been convinced that a more stable couple could offer my daughter a better life. I signed the papers thinking the grown ups must be right. As the years pasted, the reality of exactly what a CLOSED adoption inflicts on the heart and mind set in. Id been told a reunion with my daughter could happen if the adoptive family, Alexis and I wrote a letter of non-identification each stating they would agree to a reunion. A little miffed, I tried and tried to compose the letter, but couldnt. Finally, in 2006, I called the agency and told them my contact information, pleaded that if she walked through the door give it to her. Amazingly, they agreed and kept the information! Between 2000 and 2005 I listed Alexis at every Reunion site I could find on the internet. Years pasted, and in 2010 when I was living in Fa. I received a letter from the adoption agency telling me to call they had important information for me. I was over the moon! I was sure this was it, Alexis and I were going to be reunited! I could hold my baby again! I could finally tell her everything and she could decide for herself if I was right. I steadied myself for the worse, or at least I thought I did, and called the agency. I was blind sided by what the important information was and given no way of following up on what the important information was. All I knew was my child had gone missing 20 years prior from her adoptive family after accusing her adoptive father of assault. I have discovered some very disturbing stories and know now that adoption put my child right in the hands of evil. Im determined to remain hopeful as I learn more, but there are days its all I can do. Please pray my girl is alive and all that I suspect happened to her is wrong...I only want to be proven wrong.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:16:47 +0000

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