I have read the posts of those who about half Steve’s age - TopicsExpress


I have read the posts of those who about half Steve’s age commenting on Steve being a mentor to them. I’d like to offer a different viewpoint of Steve from one of his contemporaries. I can’t recall Steve and I talking about law much. I can’t recall him ever giving me any advice (other than on which way a putt will break or whether to go up a club or down a club). When he came into my office, it would always involve him putting, accompanied by a funny story while he noted that my office carpet had very little break. As a young man who “grew up” with Steve into a middle aged man at RWG, I would describe Steve this way: Steve was a guy that guys liked to hang around with. He was a great guy to have at a poker table, or on a golf course, or in Vegas. I could tell you 20 stories about Steve, but I’ll tell you the one which stands out most in my mind. One of Steve’s many jobs at our firm was to arrange foursomes for golf tournaments held by our clients’ charities. About 5 years ago, I was in a foursome with Steve, Craig Steele and Mike Yoshiba. I rode with Steve. In the group behind us was Kayser Sume, Bill Strausz and two clients. Bill and Steve always like to mess with each other, and the rest of us loved the entertainment. On this particular day, Steve played a series of practical jokes on Bill that lasted all day. As an example, we would tee off, and Bill’s group would be waiting on the tee behind us. Before we left, Steve would unhook Bill’s bag from his cart. After Bill’s group would tee off, we would be more than 200 yards away. We could still hear Bill’s bag fall to the ground as he drove away, with clubs making all sorts of noise. (If you have ever heard a golf bag fall off a golf cart as it pulls away, you know that the laws of physics and falling metal can conspire to make an awful racket.) This noise would be followed by Bill cursing and vowing revenge as we laughed safely 200+ yards away. Steve did this at least three times, and each time it was funnier than the last. Throughout the round, Steve kept stealing Bill’s clubs and leaving them at various places around the golf course. Towards the end of the round, Steve and I snuck over, took the clubs one last time, and we even photographed the event. (The picture posted below is somewhat blurry, because we didnt have time to dawdle.) Bill got so aggravated by all this, that he started hitting golf balls at us. I captured this on the video below. After working with Steve for around a quarter century, this round of golf is how I remember Steve. I will miss him most because he always made me smile and laugh. Matthew and Will: If you take anything from this post, always remember to have fun, like your dad did. He worked hard, but he played hard, and everyone around him loved him for it. Your dad always lived life to its fullest. Always remember to be like him and do the same.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 14:45:45 +0000

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