I have received a number of messages asking why Gravelle and the - TopicsExpress


I have received a number of messages asking why Gravelle and the Liberal/Native party won’t arrest native protestors breaking our laws. Gravelle and Wynne refuse to arrest natives acting illegally because they do not want to appear responsible for perceived harsh treatment of a minority. That wouldn’t play well in elitist, “intellectual,” Toronto; nor would it play well internationally. Be assured, all the news agencies would only show footage of the minority member being trundled off to jail. That would become the story and not the crime itself. For Gravelle and Wynne it is all about image. They would have no problem with arresting you and I. Michael Gravelle ignores the fact they are breaking the law for HIS OWN SELFISH POLITICAL ADVANTAGE. I can’t prove the truth of my next statement, but there is enough evidence of its accuracy that I am prepared to verbalize it and take the consequences. I believe the following statement to be true and I have some evidence to support this, so with this caveat, I will say it. I am of the opinion that Gravelle, Wynne, Mauro, whoever, someone in the Liberal government of Ontario, has somehow influenced or pressured the OPP - our Provincial Police force - not to arrest native protestors; not to arrest natives breaking the laws of this Province. I believe they have almost made it “policy” that we allow or permit one group of people - identifiable by race – to break our laws without consequence. Judge Brown ( in the CN case I have previously discussed) criticized the OPP for lack of action. “No person in Canada stands above or outside the law,” said Judge Brown. The judge went on to say the OPP’s lack of sense of duty was disappointing. Here is exactly what Judge Brown said about natives breaking the law: “Just as 15 persons from some other group would have no right to stand in the middle of the main line tracks blocking rail traffic in order to espouse a political cause close to their hearts, neither do 15 persons from a First Nation.” Where has Gravelle’s cowardice taken this Province when a judge is forced to state these words? Just as importantly, what does the future hold for us when Gravelle and Liberal/ Native party won’t allow our Provincial Police force to fulfill their duties? I realize this is a bold statement to make, but what other explanation can there be for the police to refuse to do their duty? In my opinion, there has to have been influence at the highest level. Either that, or the superintendant of the OPP should be forced to resign. Or both. One other explanation contained in the article was that the police refused to act because it was “too dangerous.” Can you believe this? I can’t. In my experience our OPP officers, just like our city officers and our fireman, would never back away from danger. So I don’t buy this explanation. I would have a hard time scientifically proving the accuracy of my next statement, but I’m going to say it anyway, because I also believe it to be true. People in Geraldton, and Marathon, and Schreiber, and Pass Lake, for whatever reason, have a lower tolerance for bullshit than people here in the city. I mean it. People out there, where I grew up, are not afraid to voice an opinion. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not suggesting I am Superwoman because I am from Geraldton - not for a minute - but I truly believe rural, small town, country, people are more inclined to voice an honest opinion, even if it may be “unpopular.” As I have previously stated we don’t have a monopoly on the truth, but we do own the franchise on having the courage to voice our opinion and rationally discuss even the unsavoury issues. A lot of people - a hell of a lot of people, maybe more than my supporters - have called me a “joke.” Fair enough. What do I know. I’m just the average kid from Geraldton. One thing I do know however, is that if Gravelle and the Liberal/Native party continue to govern this Province – the joke is on you! Voters if we can get 20 % of the vote on election day, our message will be heard. We will no longer be ignored. Together we can change politics in Ontario forever. Vote for Tamara Johnson and the Libertarian Party on Election Day.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 02:08:13 +0000

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