I have the best friends in the world and I really appreciate each - TopicsExpress


I have the best friends in the world and I really appreciate each and every one of you. I have for three weeks been plagued by a never ending list of inconvenient happenings and personal trials, with each day seeming to be worse and more troubling than the last. I dont see any purpose in listing them because I am truly thankful for the miraculous way that all of it has worked together to result in an absolutely positive outcome. I am so blessed that I could never complain about even the worst day I can remember, but today can be counted among the most exciting and happiest days of my life. You may not understand or agree with what I am going to say. There was a time when I would not have. I have quite a few friends who are non believers and some openly atheist, but all are good caring people. Let me assure you that I love you just the just the same regardless of your choices, but I hope you will allow me to be thankful to my God for a few of the blessings in my life. In addition to the usual things such as my family and friends, there are thousands of little things that often go unnoticed. Today I feel blessed just to be alive. I am constantly blessed by the people that I work with and those I work for. I am thankful that even on the worst of days I really love my job. I am thankful for the many friends that I have, some of whom know me only through having worked with my phenomenal wife. They all treat me like I am one of the family. I am thankful for the doctors that have made it possible for me to continue throwing my body down frozen hills just for the rush of the trees that fly by, and feel the cold crisp mountain air as it burns my nose and freezes my beard. I am thankful for the tears I shed when I see a man or beast who is suffering, because it proves to me that I really do care what happens to others. I am thankful that all of the bad things that have happened to me have, bit by bit, created in me this giant overwhelming love that I feel every day, for everything from a tiny mole that lives underground, to the hawks that rule the sky. But why was today such a good day you ask? Because today, even if it was just for a fleeting moment of time, I was allowed to see into the goodness of God and experience his presence in my life. Before you write me off as a lunatic, let me be clear. I am no better than any other sinner and I continue to sin in spite of my regrets in doing so. I have not, nor will I ever, do anything so good that I earn a place among the saved. God, although he does posses all of the power of the universe, is not a magic bullet or a path to the top of a financial empire. He is an unforgiving task master when it comes to right and wrong. Even if it appears that the guilty go unpunished, I assure you that it is only an illusion. God does not care about money, in fact there is nothing we have or could get that could win his favor. He does not respect kings, nor does he look down on the poor. Everyones life as a Christian believer will be different, but all will suffer from sins committed by not only themselves, but those committed by others as well. There is no human alive or dead, other than Jesus, that does not commit sin. Being a Christian is not boring. In fact, it is the only way I know to be happy in every situation and every day for me is more meaningful that the last. A true Christian will not look down on the lowly sinner because he is one. A mature Christian can not hate anyone no matter what they have done, because they see the worst that lives within them and therefore can see beyond the sin to the person in need. For the unsaved there is always a desire to believe but for some, the pain of things that have happened have left them without hope. Some have been hurt by the very people they believe are there to help them. I know that this is wrong, but do not hold that grudge against everyone who claims to be a Christian. Anyone can say the words but you will know them by how they live their lives...not what they say. My devotional this morning was based Ephisians 8:28 and the concept of being thankful for all things: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 00:57:13 +0000

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