I have this habit of latching certain memories to specific songs. - TopicsExpress


I have this habit of latching certain memories to specific songs. I think everyone does. I heard this song on the way to work today and got a little choked up. It struck a vivid flashback of sophomore year and moving back to California. I remember starting school and being scared not knowing a soul. It was a rough first few weeks but there was this kid that had Mr. Middletons world history with me. He liked country like I do (which seemed rare at the time) and I remember singing this in class with him and thinking this school thing wasnt gonna be so bad. Its still so weird to me that Joey Behiel is gone. To those who knew him much better than me, I feel for your loss and mean no disrespect by sharing what probably seems like such a random and minuscule memory of mine. I didnt even know him well; I have very few memories with him but this one in particular hits me every time this song comes on and this time, when it did, I couldnt help but share it and acknowledge the hope he gave me back in the day. Life is so short. Rip.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 18:46:30 +0000

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