I have to interrupt my cleaning out of the screen porch and - TopicsExpress


I have to interrupt my cleaning out of the screen porch and mudroom to say this... as I pondered how the hell life has become such a chaotic mess for the majority of Americans the following screams to me... RECLAIM YOUR LIFE actually LIVE what little time we have on this earth by not buying into the whole GOTTA have mentality and RECLAIM your home and family.... MAKE SACRIFICES ***FOR*** YOUR LOVED ONES AND FOR A HAPPY PEACEFUL LIFE.... DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR HAPPINESS AND LIFE AND LOVED ONES ***FOR*** A HOARD OF CRAP!!!! We have sacrificed the mental and emotional peace of the home due to greed... greed caused by our wanting every damn thing manufacturers throw at us... this has made us want more so we have to earn more, so we work more... we have pimped out the moms in the home to work in retail, manufacturing or the stupidmarket for the extra bucks around the home... which has came at the price of the children being sacrificed, pawned out to daycare centers and babysitters.... fathers of the home have taken on more hours or second jobs, making them absent from the home more than present... this takes its toll on relationships in the family... everyone is tired stressed lonely and no one is happy no matter how much shit they own... more shit, bigger house, newest and latest of everything. The only ones benefiting are the CEOs of the corporations (once again) who stash the cash while paying pennies in taxes... they sit back on their yachts laughing at the average american busting ass for them... yes for them.. as long as we continue to buy all the shit we are working for them... not just working for them ... WE EXIST FOR THEM. Govt loves it they get to tax everyone not just one worker head of household. Now that households have multiple incomes we can afford more, so prices go up and up. We have pimped ourselves out to support corporate greed, we have sacrificed the family to have more shit, we have traded our freedom to have the newest of crap.... we have shackled ourselves to manufactured shit. And we are never done, never have enough, and are not happy or satisfied. I dont know about you all, but it dont feel too good. I want off the hamster wheel. Dont you wonder what would happen if we all JUST STOPPED going out and buying CRAP WE DO NOT REALLY NEED? Some think that corporations will fail and the whole economy will fall apart... BULL SHIT. The big bailout was a temporary fix... if a company is failing it is because people cannot afford the shit or dont want the shit... let it go. So they get the bailout, and for example with the car industry all these incentives were made to have people run out and buy cars they otherwise couldnt afford or could have lived without... so the company survived... but the people who bought the cars, they are not, they are burdened with payments and they are going bankrupt... where is the bailout for the the people? So if Americans stop buying crap there will be an initial fallout, some jobs may disappear... some corporations may close, people will buy less, downsize and live within their means... so what is wrong with that? Notice how the presidents and other big wigs will make speeches saying people buying less is showing low faith in the economy etc and they do all they can by offering us cash... a STIMULUS payment.. to buy crap???? WHY do you think they do this? NOT FOR US... it is to maximize income and profits to the corporations and CEOs... they dont give a crap if we have a ten dollar an hour job.. hell they will give you foodstamps welfare and such so you have money to spend.. what they care about is if we stop buying THEY DONT GET PAID! They do not work to earn money.. they own stock or have a CEO job which in most cases is not work it just means they own a lot of the company stock... so they get the goverment to offer stimulus money, low interest loans, company bailouts etc NOT FOR US AND NOT FOR THE ECONOMY IN GENERAL ... it is ALL just to ensure their stocks are earning profits BECAUSE THAT IS HOW THEY GET PAID! If crap is not bought and big corps do not make profits THEY do not get paid... so of course they are going to make sure every naive taxpaying American gets an extra few hundred in their tax return, because then it gets spent, which creates a million dollar paycheck for them at the top! Courtesy of the average American taxpayer... we pay in, they give it back to us as a an "extra" and let us spend it, so they can get a big profit.. UH YA there is something wrong with that picture. I so want to opt out of anything that even smells of a money grab. Once again I find myself pondering the choices of living without the manmade thing called MONEY. Or at least living with it - without living only for it. Sometimes I envy the bum in the park...lives free, no stress, no obligations. Lives just to live, not to buy shit. So be a gypsy travel around trading for essentials... dont sound too bad. A good solution that would really help everyone that is easier for the general person is to live more communally. I envision life as it once was... A COMMUNITY..... A TRIBE... a group of people who actually work TOGETHER AS A UNIT for the benefit of all. YES >.. our country was once supposed to be just that, but we have grown way too big to work as one unit. ACTUALLY we could for the most part but again a few greedy people at the top do not have the whole tribe in their best interests.... so the system is corrupt. HOW can you live more communally and still feel you have some independence? Well condos or developments would be an example except for the fact that the builders/investors at the top are reaping the rewards/income from it. Living in a development, a condo, a commons etc should bring benefits to the members... for example, by sharing one poolhouse, one lawn service or equipment, and sharing services and extravagances instead of each owning their own should be saving people money, time and sparing resources, therefore giving all more time to enjoy life and not just work to pay. But the communal / associations set up as is today are not benefiting the average person like that... again, somehow a money grab was there and the true benefits are not there. So peoples, consider doing it on a smaller scale yourself with your friends and family... there are probably some associations out there also maybe we should look around, where people pool resources, share big ticket items and swap services. Does every home on the block need a ride on mower? A 30 foot RV? A built in pool? We dont use those things every minute so why are we working every minute to pay for them? Lets share and barter and actually use all the crap we already have instead of buying more crap. Pool funds and buy in bulk. I have been on a mission in life to not be attached to crap and to not need a house full of shit. I would prefer to be a minimalist.. a bed to sleep in would be nice, a lamp is convenient but I would say the rest of the shit in our homes is not even necessary. Own tons of shit, maintaining it, moving it, storing it... all comes at a price... in reality the price is our life. NOT WORTH IT. I just inspired myself to make some cushioned seating with recycled fabrics (unused clothing and linens) and make tables with some recycled materials... wow no more wasted time moving the furniture to clean LOL... and for the renters out there, you can move with your car, no rental truck or help needed. PERFECT. Oh well that is my rant for today... RECLAIM YOUR LIFE actually LIVE what little time we have on this earth by not buying into the whole GOTTA have mentality and RECLAIM your home and family.... MAKE SACRIFICES FOR YOUR LOVED ONES AND FOR A HAPPY PEACEFUL LIFE.... DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR HAPPINESS AND LIFE AND LOVED ONES FOR A HOARD OF CRAP!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 20:50:28 +0000

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