I have to make sure my earlier comments did not come across as - TopicsExpress


I have to make sure my earlier comments did not come across as being a racist! I have worked in the hoods all over the country as I was a Trauma nurse. Martin King Drew Hosp. in Watts LA were in danger of losing their Joint Commission Certification if they did not bring their standards of care up and follow the guidelines all JACCO hospitals must follow and in serious danger of closing. They had already lost their Trauma Ctr. This community desperately needed this hospital to stay open. It had an active knife and gun club. It was so dangerous because most of us were white and even the black nurses would not drive in, so we were shuttled in... still we went... metal detectors at every entrance and an LA police station in the ER with two way mirror watching the waiting room .. still we went... we were kicked out of the room by patients only because we were white... yet we stayed. There were shootings and stabbings in the parking lots of the hospital and still we stayed. I have also worked in Compton, LA, Richmond, Ca, Pomona, Ca and done mobile cardiac stress testing in Washington DC hood!.. We could not go outside at a Glendale, Ca hospital because our Black transporter explained they would kill you for your shoes and dragged the Lake there once a week to remove the bodies. I never cared what color my patient was or if he was the homeless guy that lived under the bridge. I have always treated my patient with equal respect and provided the best of care for them. I am seriously concerned with the fact everything seems to be color oriented! If Trayvon had been white, hispanic or asian would there have been the outcry of racism that has been because he was black? Being an ER nurse for so many years I will tell you there are bad people of ALL colors .. Parents should be more concerned with making sure their children receive an education, have learned respect for others and learn manners, and know where they are and what they are dioing .... wake up American there are a lot of sorry parents that just do not care where thei children are and what they are doing.... of all colors! Parents should be accountable.. just sayin! And I have lots of Black friends and love them very much and proud to call them my friends!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 20:04:02 +0000

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