I have to tell this story in order for the one thing I want to say - TopicsExpress


I have to tell this story in order for the one thing I want to say to actually make sense. One summer over 30 years ago, my parents took our family out to eat at Molly Murphys. There was a girl with me and we were sitting in the back seat. Something was said about getting lost while driving. Thats when she said I dont know how people get lost. Just drive around until you see something you recognize, then you know where you are. I really dont think there is such a thing as really being lost. You pretty much will always be able to eventually find your way if you just look around. I still remember watching my Dads head shake because he was laughing and trying to not make a noise. But, someone needs to hear this today. Theres a lot of truth in what she said. Most of the time when we feel lost, we stop looking around and just keep our heads down. Whether physically, spiritually, or emotionally, we will never be able to find our way to the place we should be by staring at the ground. Live better. Look up. Look around. Stop feeling lost. Find something you recognize that gives you hope and allow it to help you find the direction you must go. Realize that when you are lost, you must sometimes back track to find your way. Go back to the last positive place you remember and then move in a new and different direction. Repeating the same steps you did the last time only gets you to the exact same lost spot you are at right now. Continuing down the wrong path only continues to take you farther & farther from where you are supposed to be....which means its going to take you even longer to arrive at your correct destination. If you feel lost right now. Look up. Look around....and ASK FOR DIRECTION. People tell me, Im so confused I dont even know what to pray. I always tell them the same thing. Then, THAT is your prayer. God, Im so lost and confused I dont even know what to pray for. Please clear my mind. Give me a new direction. Send wise people across my path to show me the way in which you need me to go....and when I start down the wrong path, remove my pride that makes me believe I cant turn around and admit I was wrong. Give me strength. Give me a new vision...a vision of what you see in me and the vision of why I was created....and give me the wisdom to achieve that vision. Amen You arent lost. Its just been a long time since youve seen something you recognize....your value. Thats what someone needs to hear.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 07:51:31 +0000

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