I havent seen this film in a long time, but I do remember enjoying - TopicsExpress


I havent seen this film in a long time, but I do remember enjoying it. ONLY problem is it acts as a fantastic piece of propaganda I feel against socialism. Id need to watch it again to better explain how I mean. From what I remember it creates a caricature of a shop steward who is always harping on about this worker right and that worker right etc whom eventually we grow tired off - but it never fully explains the reasoning behind him. From what I can remember something happens and in the end even he Fred Kite bends to the will of people who just want to get on with things and not worry about all the politics. The message ultimately being dont worry capitalism is our friend - we dont need all these socialist ideals. It was profound because at that time I had been very socialist, independent and outside of conventional society. However it was around this time that I cut my hair and decided to join in the capitalist fun for what looking back on my own personal history was one of my most soulless, lost periods. Ive never not had socialist ideals coming from a working class background - but for a brief period I thought I was going to be a capitalist star and make millions and have a posh house. The capitalist or American dream never really took off - and its like Bill Hicks says: Theres a reason they call it a dream - its because you have to be asleep to believe in it Anyway point being I think many activists can relate to Fred Kite and Im sure more than a few of us have even been sucked into the capitalist dream for a brief moment only to come out the other side born again socialists. I often joke my wife might have preferred me when I had more career ambition, but simply it was the unhappiest time in my life and I like myself a lot more as the person I am - with all the flaws! Anyway great film - gonna go an look to see if the whole thing is online anywhere: youtube/watch?v=aWJw5c9gF_s
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:38:34 +0000

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