I havent shared this story too many times but I wanted to share - TopicsExpress


I havent shared this story too many times but I wanted to share today. I met Sharon McDonald in 2007. I was at an extremely difficult time in my life. I had lost my mom the year before and I was in a very bad place and stuck in a big dark hole. I wanted to do something for cancer and I wanted to do something BIG! The biggest thing I could find was the Susan G. Komen 3-Day 60 mile walk. I signed up by myself and didnt quite know how I was going to take on this huge task alone. So I started scanning the 3-Day message boards and found a team of two in Frisco which consisted of Sharon McDonald and Christie Chancey Moore. I reached out to Sharon, joined their team (Lumps are for Oatmeal or LAFO for short)) and made some new friends for life. Sharon and I trained and fundraiser together that year. Getting to know Sharon gave me something else to focus on and walking gave me a purpose. With her help I was able to dig out of that black hole that I had fallen into. Before we started the official walk I asked Sharon to not let medic pull me off of the walk no matter what happened. I was doing this walk for my mom and by gosh I was going to walk all 60 miles! So lo and behold on the 3rd day my feet were so swollen and blistered that I could not get my shoes on my feet. So I did the only thing that I could do...I walked the last 12 miles in my socks. When medic pulled up several times throughout the day, saw me carrying my shoes and asked if I was okay, each time Sharon stepped right up and said Shes fine, leave her alone. So on that 3rd day Sharon (with shin splints and ice bags taped to both legs) and I (with socks that I had worn holes in) hobbled in side by side and arm in arm. We both had finished that walk! So bottom line....if someone has made a difference in your life please take the time to let them know. Sharon, you were a very dear friend and I thank you for making a difference in my life. I am going to miss you. Love to all.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 22:39:57 +0000

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