I haven’t watched the new Superman movie yet, but I’m going - TopicsExpress


I haven’t watched the new Superman movie yet, but I’m going to. So in advance of the actual viewing I am going to post my movie review and let’s just see how close I hit to the mark. The good news is that Man of Steel is the best Superman live action (yo the DCU cartoons are awesome) ever made. The bad news is that that is an extremely low bar to clear and this one barely made it. As we all knew they would be the action scenes were breathtaking, god bless you Snyder, and the promise of an awesome action Superman that was promised by Neo Jesus way back in the third Matrix movie has finally arrived. Also to the good the casting was excellent. While the casting of Lois looked a bit odd at first at least that cast someone who could act, it’s a huge improvement over what we’re used to. Of course being a HUGE Kevin Costner homer I loved the Kent’s and I can’t say enough about how awesome they both were. In addition the Superman/Zod pairing was superbly matched. I’ll never forget you Terrance Stamp (Kneel to ZOD!) but the new guy was freaking scary. I’ve always said that Superman’s big problem as a movie is you need a good villain and the movie version of Luthor just wasn’t cutting it no matter how awesome the actor portraying him. Zod fixed all that. The little bit of set up for using Luthor as a villain in the future was genius however and I look forward to it. There are of course some serious problems however. I’ve often said that the Nolan Batman movies were great movies and crappy comic book movies. Thanks to Snyder this was a great comic book movie but only a meh Superman movie. I know that the mix of Nolan grittiness and a need to compete with Marvel pushed them farther than they would have liked but I think it’s completely out of character for Superman to deal with Zod in the manner he did. That’s not Superman and I think they screwed the pooch big time there. The other two major gripes are kind of leftovers from the previous franchise. Firstly all this talk about his Kryptonian heritage and its influence on him and his actions, the entire point of the comics was that a wholesome mid-west upbringing would make a hero out of even an alien if the potential was there. No matter how old fashioned and cheesy Superman was a ultra-patriotic story about how the American way of life was the best not just in the world but across the galaxy. Now all they want to talk about is how his parents set him up to be a hero and to save the world because of his alien heritage. Captain America is out of fashion to but they managed to keep it true and good, Superman failed a bit in that regard with all the Kryptonian poppycock. The other main gripe is that for all their fumbling half assed attempts at sly winking I don’t feel like a Justice League movie is any closer than it was before this. The kind of world building that the Marvel-verse movies has done takes time and ground work and DC is just not committing in the manner they should. Get your shit together a JLA movie should in theory be about twice as awesome as an Avengers movie you have no damn excuse for this continued travesty. All in all it was a fun summer movie but it’s not as good as even the worst of the newest crop of Marvel movies, and really there is no excuse for that. I suppose compared to what they’ve done in the past baby steps are better than outright shitting yourself so overall I’ll give it a positive review but it should have been glorious and instead it was just cool. Get moving WB I’m tired of you just ignoring the scads of money I would love to be throwing at you. We’ll see how close that was, I’ll updated it after I actually watch the movie. Should be fun!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 05:05:00 +0000

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