I heard it hundreds of times, but I guess I never listen to it - TopicsExpress


I heard it hundreds of times, but I guess I never listen to it before. What I did yesterday, last week, last month, last year, none of that counts today. Every single day we start over clean slate. I remember a time when putting on my uniform put monstrous smile on my face. And then without warning so fast, I lost sight of it. I started going through the motions and not really caring about the victims. Not loving the what I was doing, like I once did. Moving where I am today brought that drive, the desire, and the sense of pride back to me. I have a LEGEND for a leader who doesnt restrict us from performing the duties that we are required to do. His number 2 and 3 have never told me to do anything, but instead asked that I try, and stood to the left or right of us as we go out to do it. The LEADERSHIP is what made me take a cut in pay to come over and work just as diligently as I had before. They are the epitome of TRUE LEADERS. Nothing but motivation comes from them, and as much as I never needed to hear positive reinforcement. That is what we all get from them. Change is inevitable, and will always be a constant. A GREAT Man told me We dont do this for the money, it is not about that. Its bigger than each of us, always was and always will be. Marshal Earl Picard, Chief Deputy Tim Picard, and Capatin Chuck Clause have been without a doubt the best supervisors I have ever had the opportunity and privilege to serve under. I THANK each of you for giving me that chance, and for helping me to find my way back.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 13:40:34 +0000

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