I just came back from a dragging session at the United States - TopicsExpress


I just came back from a dragging session at the United States Naval Academy, and to my utter disappointment, realized I did not take any pictures. With anyone. At all. But it wasnt too heart-breaking though, since I was able to take a lot of new life lessons from my visit. Since I spent the last few days with the 12th Company, in their honor, I decided to list 12 lessons Ive learned. And as we all know, life lessons are more valuable than selfies... Right.? 1. Im not the only hardcore dubstep fanatic in this world (I know, Brandons in shock right now). I met some Midshipmen who were like, Oh, Excision? I went to four of his shows. I literally fangirled so hard while talking about Bassnectar and Downlink. 2. Always show your appreciation to others. While at the airport, I saw a group of six men in Army camo gear, so I walked up to them and thanked them for their service and their faces lit up. No matter who it is, a simple thank you will really brighten up their day. 3. Ask as many questions as you possibly can. This is also a YLC Expectation (SCs, Im looking at you) and a very valuable lesson. ALWAYS ask questions. Its better to know what youre doing rather than walking around aimlessly. 4. Never, ever judge a book by its cover. Youd think that the Midshipmen, as students of a military institution, would be pretty cold and disinterested in others. But in reality, they are the best people Ive ever met. We totally killed it at a Hot Chelle Rae and Dierks Bentley concert, heh. 5. Remember why youre where you are. If you forget the reason youre at a certain place, youll lose the determination and motivation you held before. Even just for life in general, always keep in mind the reason why youre here. 6. When all else fails, your teammates will be there to hold you up. Everyone at the USNA told me the same thing: Its the people here that make the experience amazing. You wouldnt be able to get through this alone. This applies to EVERYTHING. You need people in your life- people who will help you power through tough times- including Plebe summer. 7. Time is frikkin precious. You never realize how important it is until you have very little of it. Make the most of it. 8. Enjoy life and kick back while you can. 9. Keep running. 10. Life is tough, but youll look back and remember those funny memories that makes the experience worth it. High school is tough in itself, but sometimes I reflect and randomly laugh at some whack experiences. It keeps me cheerful and positive when I start to feel down. 11. Take a moment to get to know the people around you. They all come from different places, have different backgrounds, and live different stories. Take a few minutes to listen to their story. 12. And last but not least, guys in uniform are hot. But thats pretty much a given. Thank you to all the Midshipmen I met this weekend. Yall are the bomb. Hope you guys have an amazing academic year!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 07:05:57 +0000

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