I just cant seem to get away from the passing of Robin Williams - TopicsExpress


I just cant seem to get away from the passing of Robin Williams and the messages that it sends to all of us. One thing that I really see is that no matter how well many of us seem to have it together, there are issues that the world never sees. Many of us wear a mask to hide what is really going on, and while Robin Williams was very open about so many of his issues, he kept much to himself. The truth is that there are many of us who do that. We hold things inside, and that is not really healthy. Sometimes we hold things in to protect ones we love. Sometimes we hold them in to protect the image that we have created for the world to see. Sometimes we just arent comfortable facing those demons ourselves. Then there is the curse of being in the limelight. So often people forget that we are human and have things going on in us and our lives too. Of course we think of celebrities when I speak of this, but it actually happens everywhere. I have many friends who work in the spiritual and people are always wanting and wanting and never giving in return or never taking the time to realize what we deal with every day. It happens in a lot of peoples jobs. People who give their all, are often taken for granted. People forget that we are human too. We all, whether celebrity, spiritualist, employee, etc are all people who love to do what we do and love to give, but sometimes the weight does get heavy. Even in families, sometimes it is so hard to be the perfect child, that we end up burying much of ourselves and eventually it has to break. Sadly Mr. Williams did just that . Whether it is celebrities, friends in Cherokee who give so much of themselves,like the ones at Unto These Hills. Whether it is Native icons,like Tommy Wildcat, or Spiritualists like Dakota Lawrence, or Paul Francis,or Katie Golby, or many others, some even in everyday life,like that co worker who goes the extra mile constantly. May we remember they are human as well. So often it can get over whelming at the number of people who swamp us with needs and wants. Dont take them for granted. Even family can take us for granted. Always wanting and taking advantage of love and a kind heart. Fortunately there are some who are very real however. Now I want to talk about suicide. I hope that many change their view on suicide after this tragedy. Many that I do readings for say they are angry when I communicate with one who has committed suicide. They feel as if the act were selfish. Robin Williams did not have a selfish bone in his body that we know of. Anyone who was ever touched by his life tell of his generosity. It was certainly not a need for attention as he had the world at his finger tips. He wasnt weak either. He faced more personal demons and battled them more then we ever realize. The fact is that sometimes people do so much taking and never give in return. Sure many would say they give back, but that isnt the kind of giving he needed. Sometimes the best gift we can give one we hold to is privacy, space, room to breathe, and to be themselves. There are a lot of takers in this world, but not that many givers,and it can be overwhelming. Celelbrities give so much. musicians give so much, those of us in the spiritual community give so much.Those who love those many deemed to be unloved give so much, and those who give their all in their jobs give so much, but far to many just take. Suicide is not a joke and not to be played with. This is a very real and sad issue. Dont take it lightly or look down on those who have to battle this personal illness. Fortunately many beat the demon, but sadly to many dont,and Robin lost his battle with the demon. The one thing I would like to add to all of this, is please while there are so many who give, dont take them for granted. Dont take so much that they are drained to the point of no return. These are people that The Creator loved us enough to bring into this world for our good, and we should treat them with the love and respect we would in any other gift we are given. These are our angels on earth. And while I too know what it is like to have people want and want, for those I named above, your gifts have been beyond measure and while thank you is so small a word,I wish that I could give you all more. To those that I have the honor of working with and those I have the honor of reading for in Spiritual Quest, thank you for learning this lesson. Love and light to each and everyone of you, and many prayers for the Williams family tonight.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:12:06 +0000

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