I just felt like writing down a story of my daily life only with a - TopicsExpress


I just felt like writing down a story of my daily life only with a twist (Chuuniboyu Style) xD There I was on a warm sunny day soundly sleeping like a baby X3 in my bed. It was warm, cozy and so peaceful..^_^ but despite this I still rolled around quite abit. I tossed and turned while soundly asleep accidentally knocking down a few pillows and other things :3 that were unlucky enough to be in my way XD but.. it was that one wrong turn that threw me off my bed and on to the cold hard floor (lol) ...sensing a huge impact to my face I began to slowly wake up from my peaceful slumber. Disoriented and little uncomfortable I made a few short lazy moans as I took a glance around my room and the first thing I saw was the clock as i slowly regained my vision >.< . As I focused on the clock and began deciphering the time I saw that it was 8:10 A.M!!! ( note my school starts at 8:30) and realized that .. I AM GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!!! O.O SHIMATTAAAAA!! I screamed out loud as i quickly got up and began looking for my Kings Academy Uniform Where is it?!? , where is it!? T^T I said to myself while frantically looking for my uniform. OH THERE IT IS...... LOL WUT I said to myself when I saw my uniform just outside my window dangling off a few centimeters of concrete close to a steep fall... Please dont tell me I kicked it all the way there in my sleep D=... Ugh well gotta go and retrieve it..though.. one wrong slip and its Me + the Uniform falling off the eighth floor DX..but then again using the uniform as a parachute wouldnt be very effective either X.X i sighed as i began carefully grabbing the shirt using the hook of my umbrella slowly...slowly.. yess! :D Great success!!* I smiled to myself and said as I finally caught the shirt with the hook of my umbrella. I quickly and carefully pulled the shirt back in and got changed as soon as possible. I also then hurriedly rushed to the toilet and brushed my teeth then gargled some mouth wash accidentally swallowing some in the process. Arghh that tasted so bad!! I exclaimed out loud after spitting out the rest of the mouth wash. I quickly took a glance at the clock just right outside of the bathroom and saw that it was already 8:18!!!! Crap gotta hurry up DX I said to myself as I blitzed out of the bathroom and into the kitchen grabbing two loaves of bread while applying butter in mid-air xD before putting them together and shoving them in my mouth. I quickly grabbed my keys,schoolbag and umbrella as I rushed down the stairs with the loaves of bread still in my mouth (since the lift was taking too long xD ) i soon arrived at the ground floor surprising faster than the lift :D!! but it was now 8:22 and i was determined to arrive early to school today so without further a due I headed for the nearest exit and ran as fast as I could to the direction of my school(my school is only a 6-10 minute walk) while munching down the first loaf of bread. I soon Bumped into a mysterious girl .She was about as tall as me,had long black hair (which was until her waist), a very young appearance, and looked very beautiful also she was holding a double barrel musket about twice the length of my umbrella and wore a dress which was light blue with darker blue trim around the edges which instantly caught my attention. It was almost as if she was cosplaying but her dress looked too well made to even be considered cosplay material anymore I was utterly amazed by the amount of detail and how much she actually looked like a character from a game series only with real life graphics XD. I stood still and stared at her for a full 10 seconds before she asked me hey you.. she asked. mmgmm? (Yup??) I said as i tried to reply with a mouth full of bread. .. heh seems I managed find you after 2 long hard years of searching... She said while pointing her musket directly at me. mmgmm?(hmm?) mgmm(cool). i replied while still halfway munching down my 2nd loaf of bread and giving two thumbs up. I hereby challenge you to a..huh? she paused as she pondered on where I went. Duel... she continued when she saw me already running off quite the distance mgmmgmmgmmmmmgmmmmgmm(Sorry but im late cant really stay to chat but sweet costume! You should definitely take a selfie im sure youll get lots of fans ^_^ I said while running off into the distance hmmph he got away.. well no matter we shall meet again soon...very soon She said with a mysterious grin on her face Ahhh ^_^ I breathed a sigh of relief as i finally arrived in school and gulped down that last piece of bread while taking off my shoes and placing them into the shoe rack. I then head up the stairs and down the hallway turning left into my class room Good Morning :) I greeted Teacher Mona with a smile Good morning you arrived just in time to pray..or I was about to call Nicholas Ng to replace you She replied. I then took another glance at the clock before heading to my seat it read 8:29 I smiled a cheerful smile as i head to my seat knowing I arrived in school just in time xD. I then gave a short and meaningful prayer as instructed by Teacher Mona and ended with Amen the class then recited Psalms 1 and then proceeded to read the Lords Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. [For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever.] Amen. >:D I said as I ended the prayer Teacher Mona then asked us to sit down and do our work and also to work hard towards the final semester as it was nearing. So i took out my books and began studying as usual doing my work,asking and answering questions and completing my LifePac Tests. hmm something bout today just doesnt feel right... Its as if Im being... watched o.o and who was that girl earlier?. I thought to myself nahh nevermind I must still be tired... I think ill just go wash my face or something I said to myself... in denial Then all of a sudden the concrete wall beside my class entrance door blasted open knocking out Teacher Mona. A shadowy figure soon began emerging from the havoc whoaaaaaaaa :O, WHAT??!? o.o ,seriously?!?! ,whats going on??,Duuuude thats so sick,o.o! my classmates began screaming some in a panic,some in a confusion and some in awe The Shadowy Figure soon revealed itself to be the mysterious girl that I met earlier I knew youd miss me.. she said to me as she stepped through the broken wall pointing her Musket at me with one foot on my table Okay ,look I know youve been looking for me a very long time and all and a cute girl like you even made an Epic entrance for me.. dont get me wrong Im flattered ^_^. thing is im still in the middle of class...and the musket pointing at me thing its getting kinda distracting and ..creepy >.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 10:38:55 +0000

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