I just finished listening to the entire series Serial podcasts. - TopicsExpress


I just finished listening to the entire series Serial podcasts. Great by the way. Its about the murder of a young high school student, a young American girl with Korean born parents and her accused killer a young American boy with Muslim parents. The young boy is convicted on the testimony of a young black man who calls himself the criminal element, of the Baltimore suburb where the murder took place. Though the series was good, I cant help but think if the reporter who reported it were not white how different this podcast would have been. How much better it would have been. Listening to the podcast I found myself SEVERAL times going, Girl youre missing glaring clues here...you just dont get it. It is quite obvious that the reporter Sarah Koeing lives in a culture bubble, that she has no clue what goes on in ethnic families or non-white based cultures as her ending product clearly shows. To report this 15-year-old case without looking through the lens of race, religion and culture is, to me, a great oversight at best and disservice at worse. Though she doesnt totally avoid race, religion and culture she kind of glosses over it like the top coat of a pedicure its there but not really registering. And instead spends an inordinate and unnecessary amount of time reporting about cell phones. (Really???) Heres an interesting article about Serial and its attempt to blandify its main characters. theawl/2014/11/serial-and-white-reporter-privilege
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:19:24 +0000

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