I just got done cleaning my kitchen. Normally a mundane task, but - TopicsExpress


I just got done cleaning my kitchen. Normally a mundane task, but today as I was cleaning, something dawned on me. I admire ants. For 37 years, whenever I saw ants in my kitchen, Id first be annoyed,then Id break out the windex and get rid of the problem. But today when I saw this particular group of ants swarming a few crumbs from last nights dinner that had hit the floor, I myself was floored. We all know ants are incredibly strong, able to carry upwards of 100 times its own body weight. But thats not what impressed me today. The single purpose of every single ant swarmed on those crumbs today was to bring life back to its colony. There was a trail of ants carrying almost microscopic crumbs back underneath the kitchen floorboard. No doubt to feed the rest of the ants still back at the colony. I watched this swarm for a while. They werent eating the crumbs themselves, they were working towards the betterment of the colony. Ants are incredibly sacrificial. Theyre mission minded, keeping the needs of the many above and beyond their own needs. It blows my mind that this tiny little creature with a brain you cant even see with the naked eye, has the inherent mindset to take care of others before themselves. As I think about and reflect upon all of the horrible news I read on Facebook from around the world every day, it could be said that every single act of hate, murder, slander, injustice and so on, stems from the opposite mindset of the ant. When you read about men storming into a satirical magazine office and killing 12 people, if boiled down, it comes down to 3 men who believed that their own needs and views so FAR outweighed everyone elses, that they rationalized and justified taking the lives of those who didnt fit into their worldview. I wish we all lived more like ants; despite the fact that we all have our own desires and actual needs, that we would not only would band together but WORK together to ensure that the colony we surround ourselves in will be able to continue on, just like the ants I saw in my kitchen.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 18:10:56 +0000

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