I just love a good argument! ....this is the little fantasy - TopicsExpress


I just love a good argument! ....this is the little fantasy that Libertarians and Independents (and far too many Conservatives) told themselves in 2008 when they thought the Republican presidential candidate seemed too much like a Dem and refused to vote for McCain in protest. the result was not a clean sweep, but 4 years of Obama. they told themselves the same fairy tale in 2012 -- when there was no excuse for not knowing better -- because they thought the Republican candidate was too much like a Dem and refused to vote for Romney in protest. the result was not a clean sweep but rather 4 MORE years of Obama. either continued (mis)rule by Democrats is your actual goal, or you are engaged in a willful suspension of disbelief AND are impervious to learning from your mistakes. heres a happy medium that should be a reasonable compromise -- assuming you actually do NOT want more of the same for your country as weve had since 2009. VOTE FOR THE REPUBLICAN IN EVERY RACE. then, once you have rid us of a large block of the existing problem and stymied the presidents future plans for packing the SCOTUS and executive departments with more Lois Lerners and Eric Holders, you can set about on Phase 2 -- tweaking the Republican caucus to remove the ones you think are too much like a Dem by voting for their opponent in their next PRIMARY. cause staging protest votes in a GENERAL election is simply self-defeating, literally as well as figuratively.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:31:04 +0000

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