I just love how Jesus fed 5000 people with two fish and five - TopicsExpress


I just love how Jesus fed 5000 people with two fish and five loaves of bread. We think 5+ 2 =7. But God’s way of thinking is way different, way bigger, and way better. What was the secret of Jesus? Jesus remembered to give thanks. Then the miracle happened. Do we remember to give thanks in the midst of hardships? Do we praise God when nothing makes sense? Do we thank God even when we don’t have enough? Maybe we should make a revolution of thanksgiving. Then we could expectantly wait for miracles. It’s great that we recognize that God is all powerful and Jesus is the Holy One of God. But we need to be careful that we don’t try to manipulate God to be what we want Him to be. Just like the people in the Bible story. They wanted to make Jesus a political king who would free them from the Roman rule. We should not look for Jesus to fill our egoistical whims and wants either. We can’t force Jesus to behave the way we want. We can’t use God for our own purposes. We need to stop trying to use God. Because God is not an idol that we can manipulate. Because God is God and we are not. We can’t ever make Him to do anything He does not want to do. Yet we can trust that God is good and He wants good things for us. But according to His plan not our agenda. We can rest in the knowledge that HHis plan is perfect. Hence we need do the only thing we really can do: surrender our egos and our agendas. But when we do that, we are truly blessed. Not materialistically. But eternally. Thank You, Jesus!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 03:32:30 +0000

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