I just realized something..... I cant even believe I didnt think - TopicsExpress


I just realized something..... I cant even believe I didnt think about this till now but I guess I just knew it and didnt really ever think about it. Ive never had a girlfriend that had a Facebook. Think about it.... To anyone that has followed my life on Facebook whether it be a close friend or a business friend.... Have you ever seen me in any pictures with a girl that was my girlfriend or a relationship status that said in a relationship? Just a weird coincidence? Not! It is something that should make sense to anyone who truly knows me or to anyone who knows about logic. Now this obviously doesnt apply to everyone but most girls on Facebook have a lot of common traits that are just the opposite of what I look for in a girl or what attracts me. Most girls post things about there life that should only be known by her man or family and not something that random ass people should know... I mean seriously... Do girls actually think they will ever get a faithful .. Honest and real ass dude posting this stuff? Honestly, A girl that has to post there feelings about every single thing about there life is the complete opposite of a girl I would give 5 mins of my time to. Even though Im as guilty as every girl Im talking about with some of this stuff... I still would never date a girl with a Facebook. Doesnt make any sense with my personality at all. Relationships are for the business of two people... Not everyone.. Ive seen some of you idiots with new boyfriends and just a month or two later... Its back to single then back to another guy in a month. There is like 2% of relationships that last for over a year or longer with making things official after only knowing someone for a month or two. News flash! Every single person I have met in my life has left me speechless with the shit that I found out about them that I would have never seen or guessed had I just jumped into a friendship or relationship.. I invite anyone to prove me wrong on that one... Like I said.. Its not impossible but its just common sense to know that its risky to not take months and months to get to know someone. Lets talk about selfies.... Girls that take pictures of themselves leave no imagination for a guy to discover things about them. Us guys get play by play pictures and videos of every single move you girls make and then the guy just makes his decision about you before he even gets to really know you. Stupid stupid stupid... Not to mention when you break up with a dude and you start trashing him to everyone on Facebook.... Like you need peoples support on things they know nothing about.. You get all these fake ass comments ... Like Keep your head up girl and you better than that babe.... give me a break! Most of those comments are from the thousands of dudes that you accepted as a friend on Facebook but you never met. Are you serious? Why dont you go spend time with your familys and people that actually know and love you and talk to them about it... Not strangers. Even if its just your true friends commenting on the break up... Why are you talking about it on Facebook? Thats the equivalent of texting your friend when they are sitting right next to you. Lol idiots. I love the ones that post about how they are so confident and proud of who they are and make the famous comment... Im me and if you dont like it... Delete me or dont look at me page lol. If your so confident about yourself and who you are why do you need to post it on a social network hoping to get a thousand likes and comments that agree? Helloooooooo! This is common sense people. How bout the girls with kids that post every weekend about what different bar they are at. Whether you have your kids that weekend or not... A bar is not a place for a mother... Period! Nothing good comes out of going out to a bar... Getting in fights ... Getting arrested.... Making a drukin fool out of yourselfs or risking the drive home should only Have to be a possibility for you to never consider the inside of a bar again. Your babys are at home and need a mother that is there no matter if they are home or somewhere else.. What if you got a call at 2am that your kid just had an accident or a dangerously high fever and is being rushed to the hospital in Critical condition? Your gonna show up to the hospital drunk and stupid and look just like you feel. This is a big reason why I never even got close to having a child... Cuz there is about 5% of woman in the world that I would trust to do there job as a mother even if we split ways. Have a few glasses of wine with some close friends and stay at home where its safe. Or party a few times a year... Not a few times a month... Just sad ladies.. Real sad.Your all wondering why its so hard to find a good man.. Well start with yourselfs. You say on your Facebook to guys that try and talk to you you dont know me so dont make comments .... Why are you friends with a guy on Facebook that you dont want to get comments or messages from? Do you girls realize how stupid you look when you say these things? I always like the post when a girl puts a picture of her and her friends up and says look at these hotties lol. Then all the random guys that they dont even know start commenting on it saying they would hit that. Thats just what your man or potential man wants to see... Hahaha what a joke seriously. The best part is... When I message a girl and they try and treat me like Im like all the other dudes when Im far from it. So you see ladies you create this whole world on Facebook where you cant trust guys cuz of the million creeps on your Facebook making comments everyday. Its funny cuz you try to make the guy look stupid but your the one who looks foolish in the end cuz that guy shouldnt even have access to message or comment on your personal pictures. Like I said ... This doesnt apply to everyone...but majority rules. I want my women to be proud of who she is and what she dose on a daily basis and I want that to be shared with me... Right in front of my face! Not her post it on Facebook where everyone including me finds out about every little move she makes. Relationships are a private and secret thing that has long lost its definition over the years. Im not expecting most girls that read this to understand because most people cant see there own doings or act like its not there. Social networks are not a place that people should be airing there whole lives ... Should be for business networking or keeping up with people you cant often see but want to. There are alot of you out there that post simple and tasteful things about your life witch I think is great cuz you can see some great moments that you might have missed. Your Facebook is not a place to hook up or to put yourself out there looking desperate and telling everyone your feelings. Non of us are doctors so why are you taking emotional advice from strangers? None needs to get all crazy about this status cuz its just some things I have observed over the years and it doesn mean its about you. Even if I did happen to meet a girl on Facebook..... The conversation would be very short and the rest I would find out in person. If I did fall in love or find a girlfriend thats on Facebook... I guarantee if she truly loves me for who I am and what I believe in... She will be deactivating her Facebook with no problem at all. Ok kids... Let that sink in.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:13:18 +0000

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