I just reviewed the latest mystery by RP Dahlke, Author of the - TopicsExpress


I just reviewed the latest mystery by RP Dahlke, Author of the Lalla Bains series & Romantic Mysteries Its called A Dead Red Alibi. Its the fourth book in her Dead Red mystery series...and in my opinion, the best one of them all. If you want to read an incredibly entertaining mystery, one filled with surprises and a lot of laughs, you need to pick this book up. High praise, my friend. This was a fantastic novel! From the first sentence of this fourth installment of the Dead Red series, author R.P. Dahlke had me hooked. “Except for a lank rope and ancient boards loosely sheltering a dark hole, my dads brand new four-wheel-drive Jeep sat coolly detached and totally unconcerned that its driver was nowhere around.” Of course I wanted to know just what might be in that hole and how this unfortunate soul came to be there. As with all R.P. Dahlke mysteries, she begins by throwing out an enticing rope. Not once have I been able to refuse grabbing onto it, and I’ve been rewarded with a fantastic ride each and every time. There is something most intriguing about a well written series, and R.P. Dahlke has created just that. With her debut novel, A Dead Red Cadillac, she introduced a host of characters that held tremendous appeal. In each novel since, the main players have grown increasingly more captivating. The ones who have been added or subtracted, (this is a mystery series after all and not everyone makes it,) have been many things. They’ve been deceitful, playful, funny, evil, intelligent, dim-witted and crafty, but never have they been boring. You never know what kind of character you may be introduced to in a R.P. Dahlke novel, but you can be darn sure that whoever shows up will be successful in keeping you well entertained. A Dead Red Alibi is my favorite of the series so far. The mystery is a solid one. There were a few times I thought I had it figured out, but Dahlke’s a pro. She’s gifted when it comes to weaving an exciting tale and knows well how to leave crumbs for her readers to follow. She’s clever with her clues and even better with her ability to surprise. This was a fun read with an enormously satisfying ending that will have you shaking your head, laughing out loud and wondering why all books don’t wrap up so creatively. I hope this author is busy right now at her computer. I can’t wait for book number five.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 22:32:51 +0000

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