I just told my kids for the one thousandth time to please keep - TopicsExpress


I just told my kids for the one thousandth time to please keep their rooms clean, to which one replied (and Im not saying whom), Honestly, Mom, if you didnt clean our rooms, what would you do all day? I had a book in my hand, and it was all I could do to stop myself from throwing it. That really hurt, I mean really hurt. I cannot ever imagine saying that to my Mom growing up. I never questioned her decisions because she was my Mother--she did everything for me and for that I owed her RESPECT! What has happened to that word respect? It seems to be sorely lacking from this generation, or at least from that portion of it which lives in my house. I guess you can probably tell that Im not in the greatest of moods. Yesterday was Halloween and while it isnt my favorite holiday, I did enjoy myself. I went to the school and watched the little Halloween parade. It was fun to see the little kids again. (I really miss my cafeteria job!) And I like giving out candy and walking around with Jaedon, while he still likes me walking around with him. But, unfortunately, the very next day is always the start of November and I hate November! Of course, next week is that pesky election. And that reminds me of last years election and how we screwed it up royally. I think how different things would be right now if Romney were president. We might actually be concentrating on the economy and seeing the unemployment rate declining and people wouldnt be wasting time discussing whether or not Obama meant to lie when he said If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance, period! They touted this guy as the smartest man who ever graced the White House, and then they want us to believe he didnt know, as if that makes this mess somehow okay. I say that every person who voted for this total Jerk should have to give up their substandard policies and sign up for Obamacare. Only six people signed up the first day! Why? It is so wonderful! Some guy actually said the other night that it will get to be such an amazing program that the Republicans will want to take responsibility for it. HA! HA! HA! It all goes back to that word respect. Obama doesnt respect us. All he wanted was to be re-elected, and he knew that if he were honest with us about what an utter piece of crap his healthcare plan was, he would not have been re-elected--period! And now I am going to go clean something because I am suddenly very bored! TTFN!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 20:51:44 +0000

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