I just want to take the time out and tell this industry thank you - TopicsExpress


I just want to take the time out and tell this industry thank you from working from home. Some of you probably didnt know but 7 years ago I was hanging with the wrong crowd of friends got in some trouble caught a felony. My heart droped to my feet because I thought my life was ruined I thought I didnt have any more hope. I sign for 2 years deferred of a judiafication thinking that when I get off those 2 years I would be able to get a job, well I was so wrong they told me I would have to wait 5 years after I get off of prohbation to get it off my record so that was a total of 7 years all I could do was pray that I would find me a job well I found one but it was mimnium wage $7.25 an hour I was thankful for that but it wasnt enough I had car note,bills,gas,food,etc.... I was living pay check to pay check so guess what I did keep looking for better. I found a good job this time working in the insurance field the manager loved me because I passed all the test that I had to take in order to get the job he said im going to start you off with a salary of $60,000 then as you progress it will go up I was excited I had everything planed out what I was going to do with my money all I had to do was take a drug test. I took the drug test passed it when I went in that monday the manager said Im sorry Davian we cant hire you because you have something on your background. My heart dropped agian I had faith that I was going to find something I wasnt giving up even though it was hard. so this time I went on my computer to look for some more jobs well I found another the guy said meet me at whatever and we can talk I said cool come to find out this guy said I had to pay in order to start I was like what pay to work he was like yea this is an investment in yourself and he got to explain how residual income works I never heard of that before but it sounded real good so I took a chance guess what happen only 1 person joined me I was like nobody dont want to join me but in the back of my mind I saw so many other people having success. So I quit went back to working at a job again I hated going to work because I felt like a slave because they didnt pay me good and I didnt want to be there. well fast forward I was on fb one day and I seen this guy post on one of my friends status about the same opportunity I was in so I message the guy and ask him how is business going he told me it was incredible so we talked and talked I ended up joining again because I wanted more out of life he told me that he will take me under his wings and show me everything on how to be successful as long as I was teachable and coach able. well the moral of my message is I have been working from home for over 5 years the only thing that was holding me back from my success was me my mindset I had to get rid of the friends I use to hang around they said the 5 people you hang around thats who you become I just had to let some of you know where I came from.... ps dont give up Davian Frazier
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 20:54:29 +0000

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