I keep saying Im not religious, and its true, but yes, I am - TopicsExpress


I keep saying Im not religious, and its true, but yes, I am Spiritual. I do believe in a Higher Being. The question for me is, is that Higher Being God, Allah, Jehovah, The Almighty, the Messiah, the Great Spirit, is the Higher Being divided into several lower Gods such as in the Hindu, Korean, and Buddhist religions? I try hard to keep an open mind regarding all types of religions. I believe personally, there is a better place for each of us if we work hard and strive to be to the best we are each capable of being. I also believe there is definitely a hell for those that deserve to end up there, but I also believe there is a purgatory type place, that I have heard some people refer to as a limbo or a kitchen (for what reason is completely beyond me). This place is for people to make up for some crimes they may or may not have done but have to repent for something before transitting on to heaven or hell. Now, I know this is going to piss a lot of people off, but I am not going to apologize. Our Pledge of Allegiance was written without the phrase one nation under God. For me personally, I believe it should still be the way it was originally worded: one nation, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all. Just because I believe in a Higher Being, does not mean my Higher Being is the same as your God, or the Great Spirit of the Apache (Dine) Nation just down the road, not too far from where I live. Is this God/Great Spirit/Higher Being/Messiah/Jehovah all the same Being? Truthfully? Personally, and again I am more than likely going to be pissing a lot of you off but tuff shit, I think they are all one and the same, but everyone has to think their shit doesnt stink and they are better than everyone else so their beliefs system is of course the correct beliefs system and everyone else is either ignorant or just plain stupid. Im sure there are some people out there that believe similarly to the way I do, but those people are few and far between. But when I find them, I treasure them for the rare jems they are. Regardless of what your beliefs are though, we ALL believe in the values of this nation, of how we came to be. We valve the sacrifice our fore fathers had to pay so that we are able to be where we are today, with those we love. So we ALL need to give our thanks and keep in mind our freedoms are not free and every day we have to keep working for what we have.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 02:32:10 +0000

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