I knew this was coming sooner or later. It has been obvious for 30 - TopicsExpress


I knew this was coming sooner or later. It has been obvious for 30 years that the Ruling class Establishment wanted to bring things back to how they should be - pure capitalism. The gains made by the working class of this country following WW2 were temporary, and whilst they provided some relief from hunger and poverty, they were a flawed substitute for real people power and socialism. Of course, it is not true that Britain cant afford welfare, theres still plenty of money/wealth swilling around the in the bank accounts and assets of Brits. The reality is that the welfare state was a concession to stave off a revolution, and now that the organised working class has been broken, that concession is no longer necessary. Mixed feelings. Get ready for a period of severe social upheavals, violence, and backwardness in Britain. Hopefully, through the suffering of struggle, the people here will start to come up with new positive ideas on the basis of humility over arrogance, community over individualism, equality and universality over judgementalism and racism, thankfulness over ungratefulness and revolutionary violence over the failure of passive weakness ; ) James Stuart your thoughts?
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 16:07:14 +0000

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