I know I am a week late, but I really think this disciplinary - TopicsExpress


I know I am a week late, but I really think this disciplinary action against those girls as racist is stupid. It reeks of the child who cried wolf! If we can laugh at schoester and call these girls racist we are being stupid. A fancy dress distracts us from the real issues. The real issues of race are on a class divide level, not on perception. Our politicians have taught us to be sensitive to ideals and not look to solutions. I will never know the intentions of those girls but the human in me thinks it was jest. The more we make every small whim an issue the less we can discuss the real issues. The anger arose when dreaming the struggle of the struggling black woman and stereotypical physical and social attributes. If we as a people did not have an inferiority complex, this would not matter. It is similar to how feminists find the word pussy demeaning because it is usually used to describe weakness in a person when used as an adjective, forgetting completely that the word dick is used to describe an idiot or an asshole. One is offensive and one is funny. Its the psychological power dynamics that live in he victim. Now this sort of conversation detracts from the prejudice that women experience in the work place etc. And undermines all rhetoric on any other issue discussed. Lets pick the right battles. This is a bad one for the cause of diminishing the divide.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 11:38:14 +0000

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