I know I dont mention this on Facebook much, mainly because its - TopicsExpress


I know I dont mention this on Facebook much, mainly because its personal and sad, but Id like to talk about my mom and her latest battle with terminal cancer for a bit. Previously, she had been told by the hospital that there was nothing more they could do for her, as the chemotherapy was no longer working. Of course, hearing that would probably cause your life to flash before your eyes, especially if you had already lost a brother and sister to cancer, not to mention other close loved ones. At this point I had already been actively researching and trying to convince my mother to try the soursop fruit as an alternative natural cancer treatment...to no avail, and understandably so, because its a lot easier to be on the outside of a situation and make suggestions than it is to actually be the person whose life is on the line, the person who actually has cancer...and the fear connected with that. I still relentlessly suggested that she at least try this fruit (as well as a raw food, high alkaline diet cutting out as much acidic food as possible) and eventually had a box of the ready made soursop juice sent to her house for her birthday. Also, around this same time she had actually ended up being put back on chemo, a pill that eventually sent her to the ER from overdose, including fifty percent vision loss from the raise in blood pressure, which luckily healed itself. After recuperation, healing, and some time passing they wanted to put her back on that same chemo pill just at a lower dose. What the hell, right, other than hope, what else was left? There was a small time period, though (while healing), before she could actually start this new lower dosage chemo. During this stretch of time she started to drink the soursop juice, which made me happy, not that any of this is about me, its just that she is my mom and one of my best friends, so her life is important to me and I wanted her to take all possible routes before giving up, not that she is the type of person to give up. At this point we knew it was a powerful fruit, but we werent exactly sure how to use it as a medicine as far as dosage goes. She started by taking one box of juice a day and it ended up eventually making her stomach hurt and making her feel sick. I then decided to have soursop tea bags sent to her house, around Mothers Day, as an alternative to the juice that probably wouldnt be as sweet. She took it upon herself to research and find out exactly how much of this very powerful fruit she should be taking in and how often. Im glad to say that she is now on a regular treatment plan with the soursop tea as well as the chemo. Well, Im not sure how happy I am about the chemo, as we know it is a chemical medicine that actually also causes harm to your body, whereas the fruit only attacks bad cells and doesnt harm the good ones. Since all of this she had had an MRI done and had probably nervously and anxiously been waiting for the results to come in, at least I know I was. Well, the results came in yesterday, Friday. When I saw the text from my mom and realized it was about her MR I results it was very hard for me to read it, because I didnt know if it would be bad news or good news. Much to my relief while reading the text, that couldve very easily been horrible news, I was reading through happy tears that the tumors have all shrank and that the largest one she has in her liver has shrank considerably. Unfortunately, theres no way of knowing whether the chemo or the plant or the combination of the two is what has caused them to shrink. From what Ive read people have cured themselves with the soursop plant and Im sure that people have been cured through chemo, as well, but it had not been working for my mom, so… I just think that the important thing is to always believe...BELIEVE. Believe that on this amazing planet we were given all sorts of things to treat illnesses and ailments, we were given medicines and cures that grow right out of the ground, as well as minds to create alternate cures. Attached are a few pictures (we picked our own background in those pictures lol) of the matching tattoos that my mom and I went to get together in July of 2012 after her major surgery and hospital stay, the time when my mom originally found out how bad it really was. Plus, a pic of the soursop fruit (graviola). P.S. Its also very important for any ill person to stay in the most positive frame of mind as possible, because the body reacts to that and the more negative and withdrawn you become the quicker it will spread. She has always been so strong and positive through some of the harshest storms, I have never met anyone so resilient. I believe that thats a gift and that it is part of the reason she is still getting up every day, getting dressed, looking great, going out and dancing and living her life till the last drop. P.S.S. I am currently reading about and trying to convince my mom to try cannabis oil. ;p
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 23:05:37 +0000

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