I know Im not supposed to be on fb till Monday but morgan city - TopicsExpress


I know Im not supposed to be on fb till Monday but morgan city sheriffs have me pissed at the moment and I know I have friends on here that is police and sheriffs my nephew and I went on a fishing and when we got back i asked him to take my atv and disposal of the remains of the fish in a proper area well on his way back to my house a young tall sheriff not say in his name stop him and made a big scene even gave him a summons and put my nephew name in the newspaper like it was a big deal well while he was tending to an atv coming down the road at 10mph I watched 4 drug deals go on and people speeding in my neighborhood and the officer made him put his cell phone on the hood of his car so he could not call me to verify who the atv was for....i think this is real silly if you ask me like really they have more serious matters goin than trying to be an atv cop,,, but anyway now we all have to take off of work to go tell the judge why the atv was used on the road and I will also be asking why the officer let drug deals and speeding go on in the area and Harass innocent working men on a dam atv... Have a nice day and read my whole paragraph before I come get harass for writing this.....
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 23:28:46 +0000

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