I know a couple of us who have needed these words this past - TopicsExpress


I know a couple of us who have needed these words this past week...month...year: Would you like to heal a little faster? Then consider this little known biological fact that ought to be headline news: healing happens in the physiologic relaxation response. Meaning, the literal healing, maintenance and repair of body tissues occurs when the central nervous system is in parasympathetic dominance – the classic relaxation response. The implications of this are quite profound. That’s because it’s quite common for us to be in a stress state – an anxious rush, overworking, worry, fear, anger or self- judgment. The stress response means that the central nervous system is in sympathetic dominance, and our metabolic energy is preferentially geared towards fighting, fleeing and survival. The last thing your body is trying to do when it thinks it’s being chased by a lion is to heal your digestive issue, your adrenal burnout, or manage your cholesterol level. So, anything that has us move into a stress state will put a limitation on healing. Likewise, anything that has us let go, relax, surrender, take a deep breath, will help facilitate the maintenance and repair of the body. -Marc David
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 15:38:48 +0000

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