I know its a little early, and that some have already read this, - TopicsExpress


I know its a little early, and that some have already read this, but I decided to post it again with slight change. When you think back over your life, can you point to an event that changed it in a way that you never thought possible? Things like the birth of your first child (hi, Shelby!); your first promotion; the first time you lost a job; or even the first time you saw something you just had to have, but realized that it was unattainable? I think for me, Ill go with that last one... We go back to 1997...I was in the middle of a divorce that, looking back now, was really best for all parties. I was losing my daily contact with my daughter, who was moving 2 hours away, and my job as a store manager was putting me under even more stress due to conflicts with my boss, who was an out and out a$$hole. Into that mess walks a beautiful girl, who proceeded to show me that life could be happy and adventuresome. The only problem was she was almost 9 years younger than me, and seeing how she was that fun and good-looking, why would she even LOOK at me and all of my drama (remember that unattainable part)? Well, as luck and the fates would have it, she was just as taken with me (no accounting for good taste). Happy Anniversary to my wife, Jaime Weidanz, who has spent (read: wasted (lol)) the last 15 yrs married to yours truly. You have read the story I wrote about how we ended up together. Unfortunately (for her) that story doesnt change over time. Another thing that hasnt changed is the fact that I will be forever grateful to whatever whim of fate brought her to me and kept us together. I would like to be able to say that our path has been smooth and relatively uneventful, however that would be somewhat of a vast fabrication. The truth is, our journey on the road (thus far) has been full of lifes grand detours and potholes, but it seems our little vehicle (marriage) has decided to keep on moving ahead. Marriage has been described as an institution. I feel this an apt description because sometimes one feels like they will end up in one due to the others craziness (or generalized anxiety disorder in my case). The other reason is because marriage is ALOT of work. Not the 40 hrs per week variety...its the 24/7/365 kind. Just about the time I feel like Im getting the hang of it...BAM!!...I forget/overlook/get lazy with something that was, not only important, but discussed NUMEROUS times. And even with this...SHES STILL HERE!! Doesnt say much for her taste, but I gotta say...Im not giving her back! So again Ill say...I love you Jaime Marie, and will forever (and endlessly/continuously) try to be worthy of my gift of you! ...and I still have to wonder what the hell she was (is) thinking?
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:53:18 +0000

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