I know my posts are long. Im trying to bring to my family and - TopicsExpress


I know my posts are long. Im trying to bring to my family and friends Gods Word, salvation in Jesus Christ only! Also, the Bible and prophecy in our time. You cant imagine how much I love you and how my heart yearns to see all of you in heaven with me. I got off facebook because of the NSA, google, etc. collection of data. However, after talking with my sister, Donna, I was actually withdrawing from my family. My burden is for your soul. Love, Barb ______________________________________________________________________We must remember that Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul never taught that the Rapture was strictly an American Rapture. The Bible does not teach that the minute things get difficult in “America” that God is going to Rapture the American Church. The nations are about to be judged. But, we have been called to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ fearlessly. However, we must wake up! Christian’s in America are very naïve, they have little or no understanding of the realities of history. What happened in Nazi Germany, can easily happen here. In fact, there are many disturbing parallels between what is happening here economically, theologically and politically and what happened during the Weimar Republic. This is how it will play out. You are beginning to see very quickly two kinds of Christians emerge in the United States and Europe. First, you will see an “Emergent Church,” that goes with the flow of humanistic secularism. In Nazi Germany, the term “Emerging Theology” was a term that was actually used. This will become the State approved Church, like the one Hitler approved of in Germany and currently exists in China. This type of Christian Church will be approved by a totalitarian state because it will empower that state through its complicity. Secondly, you will have the true Bible believing Church that will be persecuted because it stands for Biblical truth. This true Church will largely be driven underground as it is in China. It is absolutely crucial that we perceive current events through the lens of Scripture. The Bible is very clear about what is going to happen in the last days. There will be a one world economic system, a one world government and a one world religion. All of that “Beast” system is emerging before our very eyes. Christian pastors and individual Christians who believe that they will find safety through accommodation to the culture are no different than the Jews who believe that giving up land will bring about peace. Both Christians who claim to know their Bible and Jews who believe a two-state solution and surrendering Jerusalem will lead to peace and safety will quickly discover that accommodation leads to persecution, death and slaughter. Let us remember that both Jews and Christians were saying right up until their deaths “it can’t happen here.” This is what most American Christians are saying, “It can’t happen here.” The fate of Israel and the fate of the Christian Church are inexorably linked together. The failure to stand for Israel by the Christian Church in America could easily lead to a terrorist attack which would bring in Martial Law and terrible persecution. In America I constantly here Christians say that “we are going to be Raptured out of here” before any of that happens. That is not sound exegesis. I believe the Bible teaches a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. I believe that Christ, the Bridegroom, is coming to get His Bride, the Church before the seven year Tribulation Period occurs. I do not believe that the Church will be here during the Tribulation and I do not believe that the Church will see the revealing of the Antichrist. But, we must remember that Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul never taught that the Rapture was strictly an American Rapture. The Bible does not teach that the minute things get difficult in “America” that God is going to Rapture the American Church. The Bible simply does not teach this. Persecution and tribulation (not the Tribulation Period) are coming very quickly and the American Church, especially, must be prepared in practical ways. The Bible does not teach fatalism. It matters very much to God what we do now. Jesus Christ said, “Occupy until I come.” That word occupy has many implications, which does not include attempting to establish a theocracy. Jesus is coming very soon! Israel is God’s prophetic time clock. The nation s are about to be judged. But, we have been called to minister the Gospel Jesus Christ fearlessly. However, we must wake up! The hour is far later than we think. The Bridegroom cometh. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus! By Paul McGuire
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 18:37:24 +0000

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