I know some of our members think our club is really screwed up - TopicsExpress


I know some of our members think our club is really screwed up now, but you might change your mind after you hear some things from the past. These are actual recorded minutes of meetings from the early days of the Ding-A-Lings. APRIL 27, 1969 - As Secretary/Treasurer Joe Maffei was reading the prayer. President Jack Boyer saw some members laughing so he stated that members should be more reverent when the prayer is being read and they should heed the words of the prayer. Member Bob Smouse blurted out, F*ck that prayer! OCTOBER 26, 1969 - Ron Shoop made a motion to purchase a basketball so the Dings’ basketball team could practice on the outside court by the high school. Shoop said he could purchase a basketball at McConnell-Watterson Hardware for $6.50. The motion died when no one seconded it. Member Jack Nelson said he didnt think our basketball team needed to practice. OCTOBER 29, 1971- Dings athletic director Jack Boyer brought up that the Los Barbados motorcycle club was interested in playing the Dings in a flag football game. Boyer asked for a show of hands of members that would be interested. No hands went up. FEBRUARY 28, 1970 - Joe Maffei purchased gifts at Kings Drug Store for members who had good attendance in 1969. Jack Boyer and Joe DeVivo received pocket knives for perfect attendance and Bert Colton, Red Polinsky, Bob Smouse and Sonny Avi were given nail clippers for missing just 1 meeting. The cost of the 6 gifts was $1.50. A motion was made to pay Maffei the $1.50. The motion barely passed 10 votes for and 9 against. MAY 28, 1970 - The monthly meeting was moved from 1PM to 8PM because the club had a softball doubleheader scheduled with Sportsmans Bar of Ford City. However the meeting had to be moved to Monday evening, because after the doubleheader the members were too drunk to conduct a meeting. NOVEMBER 22, 1971 - John Piscolish was elected a new member. Nominees who didnt have enough votes were: Guido Formaini, John Serbin, Spy Brochetti, AI Passerini, Dave Ferrence, Jerry Bishop, Boney Rocco and Ray Alwine. SEPTEMBER 28, 1969 - A motion was made to purchase a wedding gift for member Ronnie Whiteman. The club bought a pole lamp for $44.52. Each member was asked to donate $2.00 for the gift. Bob Smouse thought that Ronnie should also pitch in 2 bucks. SEPTEMBER 29, 1971 - Member Joe Maffei submitted his second letter of resignation. He stated, Friendship should be a strong bond and you should not lose a friend overnight. He also wished the club good luck in the future. His resignation wasnt accepted, just like the first time he tried to resign. APRIL 27, 1969 - Vic Firment purchased 4 softballs and 2 bats at McConnell-Watterson Hardware in Kittanning for the Dings softball team. The total bill was $15.32. The club okayed the bill, but Joe Maffei said we probably could have gotten a better deal at Montgomery Ward. FEBRUARY 23, 1975 - Discussion was held on getting a speaker for the April 26th banquet. Ron Shoop suggested Richie Hebner, Sonny Avi brought up Harry Fox, and Bob Smouse said he thought he could get Mitchell Blose. 1982 - Bob Smouse was elected president for 1982, but he missed his first meeting in January. There was also no meetings in April, May, June and July because Smouse was absent and there wasnt enough members present to form a quorum. Smouse was voted out of office in December. APRIL 23, 1973 - Ray Mansfield of the Pittsburgh Steelers speaks at the Shannock Valley All Sports Banquet and then tries to drink all the Iron City beer at Avis Tavern. SEPTEMBER 27, 1972 - President Bert Colton read a letter of resignation from Anne Whiteman for her husband Dick. Colton said he would table the resignation until he could determine if Dick agrees with the letter of resignation. JANUARY 27, 1980 - A discussion was held concerning a retirement dinner for Buffone. Bob Calarie stated that he is on the borough council and he didnt know that Sam was not going to be a cop anymore. Frank Palilla explained to Calarie that we were talking about Doug Buffone of the Chicago Bears, not Sam. Smouse said hes sick and tired of members coming to the meetings drunk!!! APRIL 26, 1981 - Bowling tournament director John Piscolish reported on the clubs bowling tournament. We had 45 teams, the most ever. We grossed $1518.25; expenses were $1197.50, so we showed a profit of $320.75. FEBRUARY 24, 1980 - Sonny Avi reported that we should look for a new place to hold our monthly meetings instead of the basement of St Marys church. Avi said Smouses continued use of the F-word isnt appropriate in a catholic church. Smouse suggested moving the meetings to the basement of his church. He said, “they dont give a f*ck how I talk.” JULY 20, 1975 - Prices were set for this year’s 7th annual tournament: Chicken - $2.00, Hamburgers - $.55, Hot Dogs - $.40, coffee - $.15, pop - $.25, and beer - $.40. NOVEMBER 25, 1973 - Membership vote was taken on 3 openings in the club. Newly elected Dings are Jack Hockenberry, Tim Colton and Mike Holleran. Nominees that didnt make it were: Randy Wadding, Ed Rearigh and Louise Salsgiver. A motion was made to drop Louise Salsgiver’s name from the nominees list. The members felt she didnt have the balls to be a Ding-A-Ling. MAY 26, 1974 – Mimi Pompelia made a motion to put 2 cases of beer aside for the umpires for after the tournament, since the club wouldnt pay for umpires. JUNE 24, 1979 - Bob Smouse stated that the Oldies but Goodies Dance is called off for this year. This marks the 6th consecutive year that Smouse has cancelled the oldies dance. MAY 28, 1969 - Ron Shoop is named the manager of the Dings softball team. Smouse sneers, What qualifications does Shoop have to be a softball manager? (He played for the Detroit Tigers.)
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:26:45 +0000

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