I know that many of us are struggling to make sense of the murder - TopicsExpress


I know that many of us are struggling to make sense of the murder of Nicole Laube. As you think through the circumstances surrounding her death, may I encourage you to think Biblically? Here are a few truths that may be of some comfort. 1) Nicole was never alone. Jesus said hed never leave us or forsake us. He was always with her, and welcomed her into His presence at just the right moment. 2) Death has been defeated. While Nicoles body has died, her spirit is still very much alive and in the presence of the Lord. 3) We who are in Christ, will see her again. Those of us who have received Jesus gift of salvation, as Nicole did, will dwell together with the Lord for eternity! 4) God knew exactly what was going to happen and was in control the whole time. Let that sink in. God was (and is) in complete control over every aspect of your life. We may not like or agree with Him regarding the circumstances and events of our life, but rest assured that even in heart wrenching situations like what happened to Nicole, God is in complete control. 5) God is going to use Nicoles life, and her death, for good. We cant see over the horizon, but God can. God will use every situation and circumstance; both good and bad for good. Its His promise. 6) Gods justice will prevail. Gods character demands justice. He will right every wrong and dry every tear. These kinds of events remind us that life is precious and very fragile. We think we have all the time in the world, but the truth is we dont know when the Lord is going to call us or someone we love home to be with Him. Spend some extra quality time with the ones you love. TELL them that you love them. Dont think, they already know I love them. Tell them and show them you love them. Finally may I ask you to please pray for the Laube and Jones families? They will need our support and love for an extended time. Please remember them in your prayers. Lastly, search your own heart. If you dont know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, now is the time to receive Him. If you dont know how to receive His forgiveness, love and everlasting life, or you just have questions, please send me a private message. Id love to talk with you about it.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 04:23:28 +0000

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