I know that today is sacred...today is the day we all (if we are - TopicsExpress


I know that today is sacred...today is the day we all (if we are of a certain age) think back about where we were when we heard the awful news about Jack Kennedys fate. I have this wonderful friend, Mitch Becker who is a democratic blogger who does a ton of research. We certainly do know there are other viewpoints beside the Warren Commission on how it all transpired. Here are a few things to think about ... We are asked to believe that Oswald just happened to get a job at the Texas School Book Depository five weeks before the assassination, when it had not yet been publicized that Kennedys limousine was going to pass in front of that building. In fact, George de Morenschildt got him the job. We are asked to believe that Oswald, who could not hit the side of a barn, chose a Mannlicher-Carcano to kill the president, a cheap, poor performance Italian rifle that the Italians jokingly said never killed anyone on purpose and caused them to lose World War II. We are asked to believe that Oswald would forgo shooting President Kennedy when he had a perfect target of him as he rode right down Houston Street directly toward the Texas School Book Depository. Instead he supposedly waited until the car had turned down Elm Street and was a half-block away. With the Presidents head and shoulders barely visible through a tree, Oswald supposedly fired rapidly, getting off three shots in record time, one missing the limousine by twenty-five feet and the other two hitting their target with devastating accuracy and record rapid succession, a feat the best marksmen in the country found impossible to emulate even after much practice and after the sights on the Mannlicher-Carcano were properly reset in a laboratory. We are asked to believe that Oswald then left his rifle at the window, complete with a perfect palm print and, they now say, his fingerprints (but no fingerprints on the clip or handloaded cartridges), along with three spent shells placed on the floor neatly in a row, in a manner no spent shells would fall. We are asked to believe that a bullet would go through John Kennedy, pause in mid-air, change direction, and wound Governor Connally in several places--something Connally never believed--and reappear perfectly intact wedged into the flap of a stretcher in Parkland Hospital, supposedly having fallen out of Connallys body but obviously pushed into the flap by hand. (It became known as the magic bullet among skeptics.) We are asked to believe that only three shots were fired when in fact six bullets were noted: one that entered the presidents throat and remained in his body; the second extracted from Governor Connallys thigh; a third discovered on the stretcher; a fourth found in fragments in the limousine; a fifth that missed the presidents car by a wide margin, hitting the curb according to several witnesses, and wounding onlooker James Thomas Tague on his face; a sixth found in the grass by Dallas police directly across from where the presidents vehicle had passed. The Secret Service took possession of the presidential limousine, ignored reports in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (12/1/63) that there was a bullet hole in the windshield, and rejected all requests to inspect the vehicle. The inside of the limousine, a trove of physical evidence, was then quickly torn out and rebuilt, supposedly with no thought of covering up anything. We are asked to believe that Kennedys autopsy was innocently botched and his brain just accidentally disappeared. The X-ray purporting to be Kennedys head now shows a rear entry wound, different from the rear exit wound all the pathologists saw. Someone cropped the jaw out of the picture, so there is no opportunity to determine by dental identification if the X-ray really is the presidents. We are asked by people like Max Holland, writing in the Nation, to believe that the infamous picture of Oswald posing with rifle in hand is not a forgery. Actually there are two pictures, both proven composites, with bodies of different sizes but with the identical head that matches neither body, and with shadows going in incongruous directions. Who fabricated these well publicized photos?
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 02:21:54 +0000

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