I know this is a Christian site, but if you will permit me I want - TopicsExpress


I know this is a Christian site, but if you will permit me I want to take a moment to tell you about someone who played a special role in my life before I was believer. Her name is Rachel. Last names are not necessarily. We first met in a drama class in junior high. Even at a young age she had that type of personality that demanded attention. I think she was always trying to get noticed... but then that describes a lot of us in junior high She moved before high school, but moved back the summer prior to college. Turned out Rachel and I were enrolled at the same University. In fact of all the hundreds of people I graduated with, she was the only person I knew who would be going to the same school as me. And so we hung out. It started that summer, and carried over into the first semester. I dont think I ever saw her again after our freshman year. In fact I dont know if she even finished college. But in that brief time that we knew each other (and I dont mean this in a locker room type way, or in any such manner where it appears that a man is devaluing a female) Rachel became my first. I am not condoning any such behavior the truth is your first always holds a special place in your heart. Ive thought about Rachel from time to time over the years. And on occasion, when her name would come up in conversation with a mutual friend, the reports were never good. Everything I ever heard was just rumors... but the type of rumors that were too easy to believe. This morning I was greeted with a fact, posted on a Facebook timeline. Rachel died last week. No one knows what happened. All we know is she was discovered in her home on Wednesday. Its strange how you can grieve someone you havent seen in a couple of decades. But with her passing I am reminded that our lives are never the measure of what we do or accomplish, but rather the sum of all those who share the stage with us. Some like Rachel are only in the spot light for a moment before they exit stage left (I thought shed like a drama metaphor here.) But while their out there they can steal a scene and define a moment. Rachel did that for me. And she will always be a part of my life. God Bless you my friend
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 14:36:54 +0000

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