I know this is long but its been on my heart to say that I have no - TopicsExpress


I know this is long but its been on my heart to say that I have no idea how anyone could doubt that our mother has favor with the son or doubt how much she loves us and prays for us and intercedes for us there is no doubt In my mind that she walks with me every day just as she did her son I was thinking back the other day on different times in my life and I see her hand in so much I see her presents even though I didnt see it at the time It a started when Fr Crotty came to town I was talking alone with him Telling him what I needed prayer for and the 1 thing that stood out I remember him saying at the time was go to the blessed mother ask her to pray for you so I was like really thats it 😕 but I did what he said then when Danny Bradley came to town he told me again and again to read the wedding at Cana he said thats my scripture and I didnt get it 😕 but I kept reading it regardless then Mary Corrigan posted the 9 month novena to the blessed mother so I started it and in that 9 months I realized what Danny and fr Crotty were saying....in the wedding at Cana the Jesus preforms his first miracle and he does this because even though he said it wasnt his time yet his mother asked him to do it and so he does...even more importantly he tells the waiters to DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU! and time and time again I kept hearing the words from God BE STILL,BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD! And then the words he saved the best wine for last came to me so all this time god is telling me to be still and Mary is telling me to do whatever he tells me to do and all the wile shes asking him to turn my water into wine so Im turning to her during this 9 month novena like fr Crotty said and shes showing me thru the wedding at Cana to listen to Jesus and shes praying for me and Jesus is telling me to wait for the best wine so I did so heres how it all fell Into place......I fell for bill and when we first started talking it was 40 days for life I said I wanted to start saying the rosary for the unborn babys he said he wanted to start saying it with me so after a wile one night were saying it and no word of a lie were on the phone and saying it together and after only the Hail Marys and me and bill stop talking someone is still SINGING the end of them and I didnt say anything cuz bill would think I was a cull so I just keep going and this was a mans voice singing in a real deep voice and it just trailed off at the end of the hails marys you couldnt hear it wile me and bill was praying only when we stopped at the end and finally I said ok bill do you hear that and he said omg you hear it to its a mans voice singing I thought I was going crazy and we both felt the Holy Spirit like crazy that night and it never happened again but I believe there was a reason it was during the Hail Marys... and this winter right after I finished the 9 month novena I got engaged when a little over a year ago when I started it my life was a mess in its own way and now look at my life My blessed Virgin mother has guided and prayed for bill and now hes catholic and shes blessed me and my family beyond belief nobody can tell me she dont care about me or love me or pray for me....so I just want to say go to the mother she loves you and she will pray for you whatever she asks of her son will not be refused show true devotion to the mother I have consecrated myself to Jesus thru Mary with 30 days to morning glory best thing I ever did I love her so much and she deserves this post! I hope that all makes since and blesses someone!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 05:13:48 +0000

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