I know this is random but I was taking a shower a few minutes ago - TopicsExpress


I know this is random but I was taking a shower a few minutes ago and Live Like You Were Dying by Tim McGraw came on. My tears started flowing. When we got the definate that Kevin had cancer this was our motto!! You never know when life is going to grab you and shake you to the core. Although we feel like we got the long end of the stick some arent as lucky as we were. Some are given the death sentence with the word Cancer! We were one of the lucky few that were not and we are so very THANKFUL for this. We were given a second chance to live this life to the fullest! Take chances and live in the moment! Kathy Williamson told me when I was asking her so many questions that you will learn not to sweat the small stuff and she couldnt have been more right about anything. We have been spending as much time with each other, family, and friends as much as we can! But when I heard those words of Live Like You Were Dying really hit home for me! Because as blessed as we have been, it could have been so much worse! So I want everyone who reads this to please LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING!! No mattter how life is treating you, always remember someone has it much worse!! We are going a small getaway this weekend to one of his favorite places and no one deserves it more that him!! I LOVE YOU KEVIN BROCK!!! As most of you know this life changing journey began the first of November when Kevin noticed one of his testicles was quite larger than the other. He got out of the shower and I could tell something was wrong. He asked me to look and to be completely honest with you, I was terrified. It literally scared the shit out of me. Kevin does not do dr.s so I had to beg him to go to the dr. Well it was a week before we could get an appointment, talk about being completely stressed out by the time Friday came around. We went an seen Dr. Kini and he gave us no answers!!! Go figure!! All he could tell us was he needed to see a specialist! So as the weekend went on I. myself, needed answers so I talked Kevin into going to the ER! They done an ultrasound, the ultrasound tech told us that it was just a really bad infection. The dr came in and sat down and said Mr. Brock you need to see a specialist. Right now we really dont know what is going but for your family you need to see a specialist as soon as possible. This was on Sunday, Monday morning I was on the phone trying to find a Dr that was willing to work with us financially. Luckily I found one Dr. Futral of Georgia Urology! Who I must say is AWESOME!!!! He seen Kevin that day, well his assistant did, who is also awesome! He done some bloodwork and it came back that there was an 85% chance my HUSBAND, my childrens FATHER, Doug and Freidas SON, Cline and Tereasas GRANDSON, Rufus and Kays SON N LAW, Christy, Chris, Dale, and Lees BROTHER, Sam, Nicole and Butchs BROTHER N LAW nieces and nephews UNCLE, COUSINS, AUNTS, UNCLES, and tons of FRIENDS that he had CANCER!! We cried many many tears. As soon as we found out that surgery was the only way to fix this, OUR WONDERFUL FRIENDS Mark Crowe and Shannon Crowe set up this page to help raise the funds to pay for the surgery. Because they would not even schedule the surgery until we came up with $5,200.00. We had a few donate through the GOFUNDME page that Shannon set up for us, we also had others donate personally!! I dont know what I would do without you guys! You guys ROCK!!! On December 17, 3013 he went in for surgery!! It went very well. Because of you guys!!! On January 2, 2014 we got the devastating news that Kevin definitely had cancer. But with all you guys prayers and the good lord above we caught it in time!! We were given the watch and wait option, which we did not opt for, or radiation or chemo, we as a family opted for chemo!! He has his last treatment 3 weeks ago!! And is NOW CANCER FREE!!! Thank you to each and everyone of you for being a part of our lives and praying and loving us through all this!! LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 18:54:02 +0000

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