I like the topic brought by Rudy. What he said is true. I - TopicsExpress


I like the topic brought by Rudy. What he said is true. I remembered when I was pursuing my study after A level, was doing my ACCA, so many commented on me why study? tak kawin? Alahai, perempuan tak ke mana dapur juga?..kan ada laki nanti laki boleh kasi makan, kita orang perempuan duduk diam diam. The best comment, they like to say this to me. tak kawin berdosa.. Tak tahu dari mana they get the dalih macam tu.But they forget rezeki, maut semua di tangan Allah..We can plan and make good effort but itu semua kehendak Allah. But what they have missed to analyse is that world is changing..kalau kawain, dapat laki tanggungjawab okay lah, kalau tak? macam mana? Nak keluar pergi kerja juga kan..Ok, kalau laki tak panjang umur? siapa nak tanggung jawab makan minum? Nak minta sana sini..this is the argument I always used to counter back..Life is not a bed of roses , we must have back up plan. As a woman, we must have education and skills. Theses two will make us survive and will not depend on others..Because I know women can be stronger than men..Not bias against men but just look around..berapa banyak anak anak melayu lelaki yang berjaya..Yang bersepah dengan tattoo ke sana sini banyak lah.. During my time, they all said tak perlu perempuan belajar but they forget to educate their sons ( not all ) to be more responsible through education..indeed some sponsored the wedding etc..It is so sad. That is a reality in life which can be change. Because in life we have choice..Bukan apa yang di turunkan from generation semua betul, yang baik ambil yang dah lapuk boleh buang jauh. Sebab yang rugi kita orang Melayu Islam..
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 01:32:05 +0000

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