I listened keenly to Waweru Mburus program,Yaliyotendeka on - TopicsExpress


I listened keenly to Waweru Mburus program,Yaliyotendeka on Citizen Radio last night at 8 pm.A repeat of the program will be today at 6.30 am on Citizen Radio.Waweru Mburu states that there are 8 Kenyans who have the best understanding of Governance and political affairs of this nation.Waweru Mburu says that because presidency can only be held by one individual,these 8 Kenyans should bury their ideological differences and work together for the sake of Kenya.These Kenyans are Mzee Daniel arap Moi,Mzee Mwai Kibaki,Mzee Moody Awori,Mzee Raila Odinga,Mr Kalonzo Musyoka,President Uhuru Kenyatta,Deputy President William Ruto and Mr Musalia Mudavadi.The Citizen radio anchor goes on to expound on the curriculum vitae of each one of them.The CVs speak volumes.These 8 Kenyans can bring political,economic and social stability to the nation if they decide to work for the good of the nation.He calls each one of them to come out of his hiding and use his wisdom for the good of Kenya.Those who missed the program should listen to the repeat program today at 6.30 am. Now Luhyas know that there are 2 Luhya sons who hold presidential status: Mzee Moody Awori and Mr Musalia Mudavadi.These are the Luhya sons who belong to the same league as Mzee Moi,Mzee Kibaki,Mzee Raila Odinga,Kalonzo Musyoka,President Uhuru Kenyatta and deputy President William Ruto.If Luhyas dream of presidency,let them invest in Mzee Moody Awori and Mr Musalia Mudavadi.Since Mzee Moody Awori is an old man,he should be the leader of Luhya elders charged with the responsibility of uniting the Luhya community while Musalia Mudavadi should be supported by the community to contest for presidency.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 03:28:03 +0000

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