I look back at all the memories Ive shared with you. All the fun - TopicsExpress


I look back at all the memories Ive shared with you. All the fun times weve had together and the times where you just laugh at me and cant take me seriously. People may laugh when I say this but, I love you, how foolish right? Someone so young to love someone theyve been with for such a short period of time? Crazy. Does it sound crazier when I say Im IN love with you? (Two completely different concepts) I am in love with you, but Im also in love with the person youve helped me become. Youve changed my outlook on life so much and I can finally say that I can be happy a lot of the time now. Youve been so amazing to me. Youre more than just my boyfriend, more than just my friend, youre my best friend, and the one who motivates me to become a better person everyday. Ive known you since I was about 16 years old, turning 19 soon. I remember having the hugest crush on you my junior year (12-13). Everyone telling me, you guys will never be a thing, he doesnt like you, blah blah blah. Then people coming up to me senior year (13-14), telling me how jealous they were of our connection and relationship with one another. Our relationship inspired others in ways both you and I dont understand. Without knowing, we taught people that waiting, and getting to know a person, builds up to what the perfect relationship could be. (Not calling us perfect btw). I remember trying so hard to look perfect for you all the time, being nervous to see you, and hoping that I looked somewhat decent when I did see you. I remember my graduation day everyone was so excited to go out, get drunk and party. I was just excited to go on a date with you and spend quality time with the person who meant the most to me, and that was the day you FINALLY (Lol), asked me to be your girlfriend. One of the better days of my life, knowing that something I wanted for so long was finally mine, and I could call it just that! I remember the first time you told me you loved me, and how surprised I was that you had said it first. I had never felt that special until that moment.. You give my life so much reason.. Being with someone like you is the greatest thing to have ever happened to me as well as slowly but surely, becoming a part of your family. Your family is just as wonderful as you are, and Im so blessed to have gotten to know them also, I love them all like their my own. Theyre all amazing people, and Im always happy to be around them. But back to you, I love you Cole Horn, so much more than you could ever imagine. You being there for me these past few months has been so greatly appreciated and I wish I could show you how much youve helped me to look past all of the bad, and focus on the good. Youve made such a huge impact on my life, and I cant thank you enough for being my boyfriend, and my best friend.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 16:51:10 +0000

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