I look forward to sharing with Karma Yoga so glad to do something - TopicsExpress


I look forward to sharing with Karma Yoga so glad to do something that is not about money it makes me feel very happy i will also be doing my other Karma workshop in June. I taught this program in 2011 and it is even more relevant now. Jivamukti co founder Sharon Gannon and David Life created the Jivamukti method, and with it teachers who feel they could give something from all the benefits that they have received. That’s the perfect cycle. You give and you receive and by giving that what you received becomes more powerful. My beloved friend and teacher Manju Ji and the beautiful Danny paradise are both a humble inspiration never claiming anything and yet brilliant. When i do adjusts/assist after all these years, i know Manju has stuck me he was mostly about being supportive, helping somebody keep their balance in standing postures, allowing them to keep the bind they already had in some of the seated asana, reminders, guidance and lengthening into the postures, making room for the breath, dancing with Prana. And it was fascinating to watch, Manju he has been doing this for a LONG time, hes been adjusting bodies since he was fifteen, teaching with his father, Shri K. pattabhi Jois back in the early days of his fathers shala. Manju has inspired me to share some of the most amazing assist’s for teachers and students alike, not to be missed. „Giving is living, living is giving, learning is knowing, knowing is growing, growing is giving and giving is living“ (Swami Chidanand Saraswati) The Power of Touch Explore the pros and cons of hands-on guidance and learn to use skillful assists to empower your students. Tina, an Advanced certified Jivamukti teacher,she says she recalls the potency of Sharon Gannons and David lifes assists also and there life changing teachings, the support and Earthy steadiness is extremely powerful, its a reminder of the potential of assist’s. When in the presence of a real master teacher a student is like a blade of grass and the teacher is telling you to evolve and grow and bask in the sunlight. Why Assist? Assisting is teaching, Its all communication that takes various forms—whether verbal, tactile, visual, or proprioceptive. Sometimes a soft suggestion can dramatically shift a students experience of the class, and of themselves. Jivamukti Yoga, teachers approach assists in the same way they approach all of their relationships, with great compassion, awareness, and deep respect. Yogic assists [are] a creative process between two people, not something that a teacher does to a student. [They] are opportunities to deepen and perfect relationships, The Tools A solid understanding of anatomy and biomechanics as well as creativity, awareness, sensitivity, and a spirit of playfulness are essential tools that every yoga teacher should have before assisting. stability, and adjustment. The teacher sensitizes by first finding her own breath, and then listening to that of her student. Then the teacher stabilizes herself and the student to make a safe and supportive base. For stability, we try to remain steady and joyful and Earth connected,” which also helps us to see the other students and to be ready if anyone needs us in the room. We may position ourselves to the students back body, especially in standing asanas. Tina has also learned that a sense of humor is essential amid all the technical instructions that teachers usually give students. Verbal versus Physical Assists If the teacher sees that a verbal assist is not effective, she will then give a hands-on adjustment. Here she will employ one of several different types of touch, ranging from soft to firm. If the asana Im assisting has a [left] and right side, I will come back to the same student to give the same assist on the opposite side. Assists are made to suit the individual’s. based on the teachers appraisal of the students unique needs and conditions. In this way, assists are never mechanical or one-size-fits-all. Sometimes, I will notice that a student is feeling a little down or depressed, and I will assist them in a very supportive and encouraging way so they know that I am with them. I try to remember that every student has a complexity of feelings, challenges, yearnings, and dreams that they come into class with, And ultimately are Enlightening there teachers not the other way round. From Theory to Practice Before assisting a student, we should consider our intentions by asking ourselves the following questions: Is this assist for the students benefit, or am I just lost in my own Ego. As I carry out the assist, am i using poky hands and not saying what i mean through touch? Am I really focused on this student, or am I thinking of something else? Am I properly trained to safely and effectively apply this assist? Every single assist matters and must be filled with our attention and supportive care. Every assist is the opportunity to help someone realize their full potential in that moment, and to support someone in this journey of our shared humanity. Freedom of the individual soul and oneness of being, and ultimately the Enlightenment principal.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 05:59:01 +0000

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