I love America, I have fought so hard to stay and Im really happy - TopicsExpress


I love America, I have fought so hard to stay and Im really happy to have been granted permission to live here. However, I need to get on my soap box... This is prompted by the news that three firefighters in Chicago were suspended for refusing to take down American flags when someone complained that they were Racist. Some points that need to be made generally and to people who dress their ignorance with a facade of political correctness: 1. Racism. Learn the definition. The American flag is a symbol of a Nation, a geographical and political structure and nothing whatsoever to do with Race. If you dont like that symbol (and all of its meaning) and that of the place where you reside... GET OUT, go live wherever it is you do like. No one is making you stay. 1a Racism exists because people still insist on separating individuals into that classification; the moment you allow ANY separation by that you are promoting racism. Special treatment given on entrance requirement, scholarship/award or job is by its definition, racist. It shouldnt matter who you are... Everyone should be treated the same and no one of any race, color or creed should be called out separately for any reason whether by policy or statistic (and if you think about it... there really isnt any need to) 2. Equality. I believe that everyone is created equal, should be treated with respect and should be given the same opportunity to succeed (also see 1a) but thats the end of it; what one does with that opportunity is up to them. If they choose to squander it (or it is squandered on their behalf by their family or choice of friends), thats their right... we all have choices. If one chooses to let themselves or others waste that opportunity, dont come bleating afterwards. In our society we all have the option to go to school or to seek out other learning (I appreciate certain areas, school is not always the best place to learn!) and to better ourselves, if were too lazy or having too much fun to do it... well... thats choices for you. 3. Religion. I believe (as the founding fathers did, and a lot of English people) that you should have freedom OF religion - read the constitution, dont have to read too far ;) . That means - you believe what you want and dont foist those beliefs on your neighbor or judge them for theirs (that includes to have no religion at all) and government cant take that freedom away (though it seems theyre trying). I have Muslim and Jewish friends that I love dearly, and we all respect each other and support our mutual holidays. If I went to Israel I would expect (and embrace) that countrys heritage, religion and practices... If I went to Saudi Arabia, I would do the same and expect no special treatment over my beliefs - Im a guest in their country. If you dont like Christianity, then dont participate in those practices; you also cant object to something that doesnt directly affect you or your community either. When I was at school, all religions existed together; no one was offended at being included in the others practices. Everyone had the opportunity to worship and pray in their chosen way - and certain events included Christian prayers... but you know what - read the various bibles... we ALL have the same set of values and blueprint underneath it all. The underlying message is the same, people and should not be twisted for your own agenda. 4. Patriotism. Patriotism is being proud of where you come from... nothing more. Its not arrogance or racist or any other discrimination ... it is a declaration and show of support that youre proud to be associated with your Nationality. If you dont like it, thats your right but you cant disapprove of someone else publicly declaring their beliefs ESPECIALLY when at that moment youre actually in their home. I am (more often than not) proud of both my nation and my adopted nation, and should be allowed to express that; it is my right and should be encouraged. Also see 1,2,3 5. History. OK... I never got it either when I was young and stupid (as opposed to old and stupid)... but I do now. Theres no point continuing point 5, if you cant figure out what and why Im talking about this. Theres also no point in continuing if you can, cos you already know what Im going to say! ... so all Ill say is: Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - Albert Einstein. 6. Everyone is always looking for someone or something to blame rather than taking ownership of ones own failings and mistakes (also see 2). Sometimes were just wrong and make mistakes. Own it and deal with it. Were all human and none of us are perfect. Theres more, but I think thats enough for this tirade... vent over, stepping down from my box. Be safe and kind to one another... and most important: Never Forget.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:49:45 +0000

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