I love Christmas music. My friends and family often have to endure - TopicsExpress


I love Christmas music. My friends and family often have to endure my obnoxious voice as I try to sing many of my favorite tunes during the holidays. Or when whistling to Rudolph the Red-nose Reindeer while riding the S-Bahn in Berlin. I’ll even play Christmas music in March because its the time of the Persian new year. One of my favorite songs is Santa Claus is Coming to Town, especially the version by Bruce Springteen. It hasn’t been until this year that Ive come to take note of one particular verse in this song. Be good for goodness sake”. I just wanted to share the meaning which I find to be truly empowering. Be good for goodness sake, not for the belief that you might get something out of being good. Obvious right? But I hadn’t realized that the same applies to everything else in life. You do your work for the sake and love of doing your work, not for a paycheck, not for the outcome, not for what you hope to buy with your income. All of that will come as a result. Yet the funny thing is you can never find joy in the fruits of your labor because youll find yourself wanting more as soon as you get what youve gotten. You share parts of your life on Facebook through photos, status updates or whatever, not to see how many likes or comments you’ll receive, but simply because you wish to express part of you at that moment. This is a human need. To feel connected. But when you become fixated on the outcome of your action, you trap yourself in your brains evolutionary instinctual-based fear. Thus creating this ego-based idea of “me. You love for the sake of love, because you can. Not to be loved back. You give for you can give. Not to get something back in return. This is how you rid yourself of your own idea of self, or your own ego. This is how you begin to live and operate flow. Flow is a process, not an end state. This is what every religion and their modern manifestations of self-empowerment have sought to teach on some level. For all we know and should care to know its nothing but an idea. Nothing more than a simple idea. But if its an idea that can help you, empower you, help you experience joy and fulfillment and allow the same for others, then lets believe in it and act accordingly. This is beyond what many of us have come to observe or know of religion. It is simply a matter of observing and accepting what is true and what works according to nature, or the universe, and its laws. So, good speed and merry christmas to you.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:21:12 +0000

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