I love our guest preacher...like for real. He has preached 4 times - TopicsExpress


I love our guest preacher...like for real. He has preached 4 times for us...he is sooo good. So humble and he is in his right calling. I told him you just cant get away from us :-) ......anyways sermon was about rich man and the beggar. He talked about the 3 things in hell that should be in the church......Id have to look at my notes for 1 but 2 is prayer 3 is concern for the lost. The rich man ask Abraham could the beggar give him a drop of water and could he have him witness to his father and brothers so they would not come to his place of torment. Abraham told him he could not that he had Moses and the prophets that if they would not listen to them they would not listen to a man that came from the grave (thats a HUGE statement)....we believe the second, a person dies in sin they pray for redemption a chance to change their course an oh no moment....and are most likely concerned for their loved ones to not end up there. You cant wait til death to make the right decision its something you have to now. See hell was not created for man but for Satan and fallen angels but because of sin man will end up there without the blood of Jesus. Hell is the absence of God which is all things good. The worst horror story you have ever seen would seem like a G rated flick in comparison. Wont you choose this day who you will serve, now not tomorrow while you have the chance? Dont let stupid things keep you from the cross....theres a song I like to sing and the words go like this ...Im running Im running Im running to the mercy seat where Jesus is calling he said his grace would cover me, his blood will flow freely it will provide the healing Im running to the mercy seat. He said that I could come into his presence without fear into the Holy place where his mercy hovers near.....anyways Jesus loves you and if you listen with your whole heart will hear his gentle knocking. He wont force you its totally up to you. If your not in church Graceway Baptist wants you too.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 03:58:48 +0000

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