I love this devotional insight from Gwen, one my girl friends in - TopicsExpress


I love this devotional insight from Gwen, one my girl friends in God. Inspired by Rev. 2:4-5 .... You have forsaken your first love… Repent and do the things you did at first! People like us often times become so busy and we forget our first love. Copy-pasting the below to share with you... “I know you work hard, Gwen. I know you spend countless, thankless hours doing mundane tasks like laundry, driving kids around, vacuuming floors, cleaning toilets, preparing meals, and managing relationships. I know you are exhausted and wish you were more productive. I know you serve at church. I know of your good intentions to spend quality time with me even though your often-inverted-priorities and distractions keep us from deeply connecting far too often.” His voice continued the heart-whispers as mine swelled… “I know ______ … I know ______ … I know ______ … I know YOU. And I see. I see what you are doing. I see the pressure you are under. I am fully aware of the pain you have endured and are enduring. I see your temptations and your struggles. I see all that you think is hidden. I am El Roi. I see you. Now… SEE ME. More. Much More. Your glances toward me are fleeting. Flippant. Casual. Less-than. Your worship is often half-hearted… somewhat of an obligation. At times your service to Me is joyless and sterile – a going-through-the-motions of sorts. It should be a vibrant offering. I am not an obligation. I am GOD. I am your Redeemer. I am your Savior. I am your Healer. I am your Strength. I am your Deliverer. I am your Comfort. I am your Portion. I am your Counselor. I am your Hope. I AM.” Overwhelmed and undone in His presence, I continued to read from the Word. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken you first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. (Revelation 2:4-5a) Repent. Return to me… your first love. Do the things you did at first. I grasp for memories that will take me there. I think back to when I was more on fire… more driven by a white-hot, blazing love for Jesus. When was I there – at the height of my love for God? What things was I doing? I wrestle and think… and confess… and bow low in my heart. When were YOU at the height of your love for God? What things were you doing? THE CHARGE for each of us: Do the things you did. Return to your first love. Return to His perfect love. To pure love. To holy, powerful, sacred, compassionate, everlasting, merciful, grace-filled, trust-worthy, faithful love. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says…” (Revelation 2:7
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:05:06 +0000

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