I loved the people that we pastored for 10 years in Hot Springs - TopicsExpress


I loved the people that we pastored for 10 years in Hot Springs but I am so glad that I dont have to get out in that traffic at Christmas. Top 10 pet peeves? 1)people stopping in the road to turn right 2) people getting impatient and switching lanes (with no blinker) in heavy traffic-- often at high speeds 3) the tailgater who wont wait a reasonable amount of time for you to get out of the way 4) the person driving ten under the speed limit in fast lane 5)truckers who switch lanes just whenever they please 6) two cars going same speed in both lanes for 10 miles and neither get out of the way 7) the inconsistent speed person who wont use their cruise(usually yapping or trying to text) 8.) The person who wont smoothly move into the turn lane (suicide lane) to get out of the flow of traffic--instead slowing to a crawl, then putting on a blinker, then moving agonizingly slow to get in the turn lane 9) people who move out into the intersection when there is a line of stalled traffic-- then your light changes but you cant go through the intersection because that person is sitting there 10) people who pull out in front of you-- then expect you to adjust and slam on your brakes If you are one of these people--DO NOT move to Gentry! :)
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 15:37:08 +0000

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