I made a vow to I AM and told her if she protects my fam then I - TopicsExpress


I made a vow to I AM and told her if she protects my fam then I will do EVERYTHING she ask of me….# Im here to put in work for I AM…….# I understand my calling now……. # I reincarnated for this very moment………# LEGGO # everything in nature is bipolar karma = bliss………. If you get to bliss then you cancle out karma…….# LAWS of the universe. # metaphysics When I finish school I will be home # to my fam….. # any moors trying to hire an engineer in the original morocco #hollar at ya boi # group economic……. youtube/watch?v=2qj2Z5ZdnhY ………………………………………………… Ebola reuters/article/2014/08/15/us-health-ebola-usa-idUSKBN0GF1K920140815 Kent Brantly, & Nancy Writebol, a 59-year-old missionary from Charlotte, North Carolina npr.org/blogs/goatsandsoda/2014/09/16/349012693/dr-kent-brantly-ebola-survivor-gives-testimony-on-the-hill nbcdfw/news/health/Ebola-Patient-Dr-Kent-Brantly-to-Leave-Hospital-Thursday-272102161.html google/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbobbeck%2Fpdfs%2Fbeck-protocol-handbook.pdf&ei=uv8yVMKgAYqSyASih4C4Cg&usg=AFQjCNHOSXycDh7PxvZmTdNm1WXC36vQFg Everything in nature is bipolar and the bipolar equivalent for Ebola is colloidal silver! # Fact! Yet do your research and experimentation to protect you love ones…. youtube/watch?v=Acpvp_8gwlw youtube/watch?v=oqTLXN-W-Z8 youtube/watch?v=ZzNtk3w3ZzA youtube/watch?v=WonMg3CCmxM Science hypothesis (a belief or a scientific guess), theory (an experiment that everyone can do and the end result is the same…..) meaning # a plausible fact!!!!!!!!! Melanin – the ability to adapt to anything in nature so let’s start adapting Intelligence = the ability to take knowledge and wisdom and use it for your benefit. Intelligence! Aka Imhotep – known for being a multi genius in wisdom, engineering, and medicine. BURR BURR # in my Gucci voice # free Gucci youtube/watch?v=MkiX0jJJozk Communication Non verbal communication –The individual, nonverbal communication, and society. Nonverbal communication, like all communication, is heavily influenced by societal forces and occurs within a hierarchical system of meanings. One’s status and position within the societal hierarchy, as well as one’s identity, are all expressed nonverbally. However, the more powerful elements in society often regulate these expressions. In addition, nonverbal communication can trigger and express prejudice and discrimination. Interesting…. Continuing Nonverbal communication prejudice and discrimination. At the intersection of societal forces and nonverbal communication are prejudice and discrimination both can be triggered by nonverbal behavior and are also expressed through nonverbal behavior. How does it work? First one’s race and ethnicity, body shape, age, or style of dress- all of which are communicated nonverbally – can prompt prejudgment or negative stereotypes. How often do people make a snap judgment or generalization based on appearance? Second, prejudice and discrimination are expressed nonverbally. In some extreme cases, nonverbal signals have even triggered and perpetrated hate crimes…………….. The five aspects of nonverbal codes—kinesics, paralinguistic’s, time and space, haptics, and appearance and artifacts—to see how this system of nonverbal codes work. Kinesics is the term used to describe a system of studying nonverbal communication sent by the body, including gestures, posture, movement, facial expressions, and eye behavior. For clarity we group kinesic communication into two general categories, those behaviors involving the body and those involving the face. Subpoena youtube/watch?v=VI8Z7LwsOk0 To my young tribe members this is how to protect yourself against any tyrants that are aggressive, kidnapping you or is trying to kidnap your person. If you do not consent to going with them and they take you “arrest you” they are kidnapping you for the record. Physically assaulting you and the whole nine yards. If I was to come across these characteristics I first hit the recorder button on my audio recorder to protect my person. Then i will Iet the police officer know that I am ccw certified and yes I am carrying my honor !!!!! I am traveling not driving in my personal property for the record and for the record and let the record state. I have human rights in which the constitution protects my human rights to travel; I would like to know your name and nationality for the record…… I would pay close attention to his or her body gestures because this will give me an accurate understanding of what I am really dealing with. My young generation when you come across these types of charactistic you need to look for his or her gestures and look to see aggressive body gestures, is his or her body gestures aggressive, do you feel threatening? These are key concepts in psychology to understanding the truth about an individual. As I have been reasearching the origin of psychology I have found that the reason psychology was invented is to better understand and to mentally play mind games, or keep one confused, who you black man. Also called African American in which black is not who you are. Last time I checked people are not crayons and African American is not who you are and to prove this we need to get your y= chromosome count to see where your blood line really come from. You are a Moorish American and our bloodline date back before slavery for the record. This is easily debunk able and will be debunked hear shortly. Ready to go home yet? aol/article/2014/09/30/george-zimmerman-wants-a-reality-tv-show/20969949/ I would appeal this case and finally address what should have been the case in the first place. Everything that wasn’t included in the first case will be addressed in the appeal… # real law blogs.riverfronttimes/dailyrft/2014/08/michael_brown_family_we_reject_ferguson_police_version_of_teens_death.php So subpoena “the guy” to get Maat “Goddess personifying” (truth, justice and the essential harmony of the universe). Turn up music…. https://youtube/watch?v=5BswneI75i8 https://youtube/watch?v=qUu8ID0VBy4 youtube/watch?v=XFZVBO940wQ youtube/watch?v=YWyHZNBz6FE youtube/watch?v=FE5rpTDoUx0 youtube/watch?v=tD3xowIXjAA youtube/watch?v=6g5ZF6DUrHI youtube/watch?v=ZOcMX-6rFqo youtube/watch?v=Ae_o5kIhFHo youtube/watch?v=jI5i1J7Crng youtube/watch?v=v5bYChmx1KE youtube/watch?v=tOOPrBWIwBQ youtube/watch?v=9Empx_rTZKU youtube/watch?v=ZIhU1cGzxO0 youtube/watch?v=1o2TZrGkfZA youtube/watch?v=Vp4KTFsxPls
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 05:05:43 +0000

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