I made my own productivity/happiness app in 30 minutes! Inspired - TopicsExpress


I made my own productivity/happiness app in 30 minutes! Inspired by Raj Sundra, I created a minimalist 90-day game for myself to do productivity/happiness practices every day. Starting tomorrow, of course ;-). Im sharing on FB because of the cool geeky way I made it easy for myself to track metrics and win the game using Google Forms and my iPhone. Heres a little how-to if you want to do the same: 1) Choose your happiness/productivity practices. I created six daily practices, have a look at the photos and youll get it. 2) Define winning. For me, its doing all six practices 5x per week, except gym, which I win at 3x per week. Reading the newspaper is something I am STOPPING, so I win by NOT doing it. 3) Make a Google Form with your questions. If you dont know how, figure it out, its easy. Hint: choose options for submit additional responses and Edit responses. 4) Let Google Forms create a spreadsheet with your responses. 5) OK, heres the incredible magic: did you know you can turn any website into an app icon on your iPhone? Check out the photos to see how. 6) Email yourself the link to your form, then click the link on your iPhone, then make a home screen icon. Now you can submit your responses for your happiness/productivity practices directly from your iPhone, any time! Holy sh*t! 7) Do the same for your form response spreadsheet. Now you can SEE your responses any time you want, which is great if I am wondering what I put down yesterday as my top six things to accomplish today! Sometime in the next few days, Im going to make a report on Google that draws data from my spreadsheet and reports my progress. Ill put a link to the report on my iPhone home screen, so then I will also have a cool graphical view of my progress right on my phone. Im pretty pleased with myself -- I made an app that is completely customized to my needs and tracks everything, in less time than it took to write this post. Coaches, feel free to use this superpower of creating customized apps with your clients. Jennifer Russell, Bryan Franklin, Pascal Wagner, Rob Scott, Annie Lalla. Feel free to share and repost.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:01:24 +0000

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