I may only be 20 years old, but that doesnt mean I havent - TopicsExpress


I may only be 20 years old, but that doesnt mean I havent experienced, lived, learned, or lost. I have willing to say that I have squeezed more into my two decades, than most people do into their whole lives. Lessons have been learned, whether the easy or the hard way, and I have felt my fair share of heartache, disappointment, pain, betrayal, and anger. It might sound like Im unsatisfied with the life that Ive lived so far, but that could not be any further from the truth. Yes, life has dealt me some less-than-ideal hands on numerous occasions, but I never let it slow me up; let alone stop me completely stop me or define who I am. I learned to take it on the chin, without flinching or missing a beat. However, I dont want anyone thinking that my life has been a miserable, rain cloud of depression and despair. To balance out the negative, I have also experienced REAL love, TRUE friendships, and HONEST intentions. I just cannot stress enough, the fact that my age does not define who I am, change the experiences I have faced, or the knowledge and wisdom that I have gained along the way. Unfortunately, getting older also means being forced to abandon the fairytale happily ever after mentality, when reality appears and smacks you in the face with all the bad things in the world, that are designed to knock you on your ass. So, I have learned to EXPECT bad things to happen and also, to ACCEPT that most of these experiences will be out of my control; but, even through all the negative, to always keep a watchful eye out for the EXCEPTIONS. I am not a super-genius and I have never claimed to be, either. However, at risk of sounding a little self-conceded, I do believe that I do possess and embody more maturity, common-sense, intelligence, values, morals, and integrity than most. These seem to be dying off and forgotten traits in todays world. I am not and will not ever be ashamed of any choices I have made, paths I have chosen, or changes I have accepted or denied. Whether it was good or bad; every experience, struggle, or battle has made me the strong, independent woman I am today. There are countless lessons that had me fighting, tirelessly through storms. They were designed to break me but, always making me stronger than before when I come out on top. As long as there is a breath in my lungs, I will continue to fight and I will wear my battle scars proudly because I wouldnt be where I am today without the blood, sweat, and tears that I have shed. To ensure that I never forget the lessons that have molded me, I have brain-stormed and compiled this list of rules and regulations that I live by everyday of my life. I have adapted them, either by way of a hard lesson learned, heartbreak or loss. Each one is connected to, or derived from, one or multiple of my personal experiences in my short 20 years, but dont let that change your mind about reading them. These guidelines do still have the potential to change, inspire, or even, alter you and your life; if you choose to fully read and understand the words written below, visualize how they can have a place in your own life or seeing which needs more work, and then, making the conscience, decision to live by them. • Dont expect anyone to be able to read your mind or to know how you are feeling; especially if you dont even know yourself. You will always end up disappointed. • Dont play head games or manipulate someones heart strings, if you intend to be malicious. Something as delicate as human emotions should always be handled with the up-most care and compassion. • Dont tell half-truths; they are no better than lies. I would rather be destroyed by the ugliest truth, than to be comforted by the most beautiful of lies. • Dont hold grudges; life is too short and unpredictable to let anyone take away your happiness, directly or indirectly. • Dont be unforgiving of others; forgiveness is a simple word, but it is so hard to do when someone has done you wrong. • Dont forget anything that had any kind of impact on you or your life; while forgiveness is good, it is also important to never forget the deed that called for forgiveness. That way if, god forbid, history tries to repeat itself, you will be ready and can better protect yourself from being destroyed the same way twice. • Dont feel inferior to ANYONE; you are a beautiful disaster, with your own unique demons and destructions. Just never forget that you are one-of-a-kind and a priceless work of art. • Dont ever ignore or take for granted the people you care about or that care about you. Always try to take time out of busy lives to acknowledge that you have been distant. No one likes being or feeling like they are being ignored, whether it is on purpose or not. Just keep in mind, the lack of concern feeling can hurt more than the angriest of words. • Dont wait to tell youre loved ones what they mean to you. The sad truth is, forever is not anywhere near as much time as it was when we were young. So, just because another person might have promised you forever, that doesnt mean that forever has promised that other person to you. Tomorrow is never guaranteed, so dont waste anymore time on activities or events you dont enjoy. Also, if you have something to say to someone and you have been holding back or waiting for a better time, a less hectic time, or just until, tomorrow. Do not wait to tell them how you are feeling or what is on your mind, because those silenced and unspoken words, all have the potential to become the echos of regret ringing out loud and clear; just a little too late. It seems, to me at least, that almost everybody get so accustomed to living and waking up in the morning to another day and never realize how much they take for granted by expecting to make it to tomorrow. We all know the sad reality, even if we dont accept it, is that another chance to wake-up, another breath to inhale and exhale, and another day to co-exist, and thrive in this crazy, mixed-up world is never guaranteed to any person, at any time. Basically, all I am saying is, dont waste what could be your last breath on words that are meaningless, or words that dont have the potential to change the world, what could be your last thought on something negative or a thought that isnt for the betterment of yourself, or what could be your last genuine, idea on something small and miniscule, or on anything less than taking over the world. Ultimately, it is your life and you are going to have live it up to whatever you desire. However, the fact of the matter is, no matter what rules or guidelines you choose to base your life off of, what choices you make, or what direction you want your life to go in. It is your life and its the only one youre given, so live it to the fullest. The amount of happiness that one person gets out of life cannot be dependent on anyone, except that one person. No matter how you flip it, its your life, no one else knows what makes you tick or what your idea of happiness is but yourself. Above all and no matter what happens, dont ever get so caught up in the where am I headed, that you forget to enjoy the where you are right here and right now.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 09:04:36 +0000

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